Dragons - Chapter FIVE

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"Ronald do I have to, why can't you just tell him yourself?" Hermione asked confused. 

"No, I can't. I'm not speaking to Harry right now and you are, so just do it for me please." Ron answered. 

Rosabelle looked puzzled, "Ron, do you really think Harry did this to himself. He wouldn't lie to you..." 

"Well, who else would put his name in it? And until he tells me a straight answer as to who put his bloody name in there, I won't be speaking to him." 

"Strange isn't he, Ginny?" Rosabelle asked in a quiet voice.

"Very... can't believe I'm related to him sometimes. " Ginny replied. 

The four of them walked down to the forest lake and found Harry as well as Neville discussing something to do with water plants. Neville waved as he saw them approaching. 

Hermione and Ron quietly bickered before Hermione gave a message, "Uhmm, Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him... that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid is looking for you." 

Harry squinted his eyes and spoke, "Is that right? Well-" Harry looked puzzled, "What?" 

Hermione turned back around to Ron with a frowned forehead, "Are you sure you won't do this?" 

"Do it" Ron answered. 

Hermione sighed, "Dean was told by Parvati that... please don't make me say it again..." Hermione continued, "Hagrid is looking for you..." 

Harry understood finally and replied, "Well, you can tell Ronald that-" 

"I'm not an owl!" Hermione shouted out of frustration. She walked away with pace and grabbed Rosabelle's and Ginny's arms to walk with her. 

"You alright, H?" Rosabelle asked Hermione. 

"I'm fine, I'm just sick of those two... idiots. Can they figure it out and stop using us as a way to communicate?" Hermione explained. 

Ginny agreed, "Absolute lunatics, if you ask me." 

"Couldn't have put it better," Rosabelle giggled. 

Ron pitched in from a few metres back, "I can still hear you, you know!" 

Rosabelle stopped walking with them, "Guys, I actually might go talk to Harry quickly if that's alright. I'll catch up with you later." 

They said their goodbyes and Rosabelle walked back down to the creek where Harry was still lingering and Neville began to walk back up.

"Hey Neville!" Rosabelle smiled. 

Neville smiled back, with a rosy blush in his cheeks, "Hi Rosie"

Rosabelle walked up to the tree branch that Harry was resting on, "Harry, how are you?" 

"A bit nervous... the first task is soon and I'm a little worried about it..." Harry answered.

Rosabelle nodded, "I get it, it must be pretty nerve-racking. But, I think that's what Hagrid wanted to talk to you about actually. Want to walk up and find him?" 

Harry agreed. The two of them walked back up the track and made it to Hagrids home. On the way there, Rosabelle tried to distract Harry from the tournament as best as she could. They evenetually reached Hagrid's Hut. 

Harry knocked on the front door and seconds later Hagrid swung it open, "Harry, Rosie... I'm guessing Harry got my message?" 

Rosie smiled and nodded. 

Hagrid continued, "Well come on in..." The two of them walked inside and took a seat at the dining table. "Harry... this competition is tough, I can tell ye' that much. But tonight, I want to show ye' something. Make sure to bring your Father's cloke, you'll need it."