Strange feeling - Chapter SEVENTEEN

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The two of them rested there on the window sill for a while. Fred fell asleep moments after their last conversation. Rosabelle quietly got up and went upstairs to shower, change and get ready for the weekend morning. It was only 7am and Rosabelle went back downstairs to the window sill. She sat down and tied her long hair into an almost perfect braid. As she tied it, she heard talking coming from the stairway. She looked over at Fred who was sleeping peacefully and shook him awake gently. His eyes heavily opened and he looked at Rosabelle for a moment.

"Is it time to sieze the day?" Fred asked in a sarcastic tone.

"It sure is..." She smiled.

Fred lifted his head up off of the window and sat up. He stretched for a second and got up. Rosabelle then noticed that the voices she heard on the stairs were Hermione's and Ron's. They approached Fred and Rosabelle and plopped onto the window sill.

"Fred awake at this time on a Saturday morning? I can't believe it." Ron said.

"Believe it. But only for this morning, it's a once in a life time event." Fred smiled before walking back to his room.

Rosabelle asked Ron after Fred had left, "Where's Harry?"

"He's still sleeping. I think he's tired from the task" Ron answered.

"Ahh, alright." Rosabelle said. "It's pretty today, isn't it?"

"Yeah, the sky looks super clear" Hermione said.

Rosabelle retied her undone shoe lace. She leant back up against the window and opened it to feel the crisp air hit her skin. As the window opened, an old leaf blew in through the window. She picked up the leaf and was about to drop it back into the winds hands, but she noticed something. As she held the leaf inbetween her fingertips, the leaf's dull colour became vibrant. She felt a strange feeling within herself and she swiftly shook her head. She let the leaf blow in the wind again by putting her hand outside of the window and letting go. She decided that the change in colour was in her head. Maybe the thought of spring was getting to her. Rosabelle looked over at the stairwell and saw Harry come down. He walked over to Rosabelle, Hermione and Ron. He sat next to Rosabelle on the window seat and yawned.

"Morning Harry, how're you holding up?" Rosabelle asked.

Harry looked at her and smiled, "Not bad. I had a great sleep I'm just still a little tired."

"Are you hungry?" Hermione asked.

"Very!" Harry said.

"Shall we get some breakfast?" Hermione asked.

Ron nodded, "Sounds good to me."

The four of them made their way to the great hall. Once they sat down, Rosabelle poured orange juice into her glass as well as Harry's and then poured apple juice into Hermione's and Ron's glass. Ron immediately skulled the glass of apple juice and began shovelling bacon and scrambled eggs onto his plate. Watching Ron eat was honestly scary sometimes. Rosabelle was often frightened that he might choke because of how quickly he eats.

"Only one task to go, Harry" Ron said with a mouth full of toast.

"I know... it feels good knowing that it will be over soon" Harry admitted.

"What do you think the last task will be?" Ron asked.

"I'm not sure" Harry answered.

Rosabelle sat there trying to think about what it might involve.

"First it was dragons, then it was a water challenge..." Hermione said. "It's tough to say, just keep working on new spells Harry."

Harry nodded and took a bite of a blueberry muffin. As the four of them talked and ate, they heard laughter and voices coming from the Ravenclaw table. They looked to see what was going on when they saw Cho Chang.