Fail - Chapter NINE

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The day after Ron's accident, Rosabelle thought long and hard about the letter she wrote her Mum. Did she really want to go to her first and only Hogwarts Ball alone? No, not really. Rosabelle let some part of her take possession of her mind and body, because suddenly she was walking around campus looking for Cedric. Her thoughts were racing,

Should I just ask him about the Ball?


Just do it... just talk to him... you have nothing to lose.

It's not like you have anyone else to ask.

You're the only one left without a date, and you have something with this boy, Rosie.

Just do it!

She finally found Cedric in the West wing. His masculine body resting against the wall as he read his charms book. "Just do it" Rosabelle said to herself. Rosabelle approached Cedric and took a deep breath before saying anything.

"Hey." She said, with a nervous smile plastered on her face, yet it was still so beautiful.

Cedric looked up from his book and quickly shut it, "Hello."

Rosabelle stood there, unable to get a word out. Cedric looked at her confused and chuckled a little. He waited a few moments for Rosabelle to say something, but she didn't.

"You look flustered... are you alright?" Cedric asked. "You look good by the way... not flustered in a bad way, you just look nervous."

Rosabelle gulped and nodded. A cold breeze of winter flew past them, blowing Rosabelle's lushes hair in the wind.

"Wow... you smell good" Cedric smiled.

Rosabelle looked down to hide her smile, yet she looked up smiling with a cute pink nose from the cold air.

"Well..." Cedric said. "You know, you can be very... strange... in moments like these. It's cute, though. Very unique." Cedric laughed.

Rosabelle took a deep breath and prepared herself to say what she wanted to say, 'Will you come to the ball with me? ' Rosabelle was just about to say those seven words, when someone called her name. She turned around to see Neville.

"Excuse me for a second, I'm sorry..." Rosabelle said. She walked over to Neville, sort of relieved that he called her name. "Hey, Neville. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, yeah... I was just wondering if you knew where Harry was?" He asked.

She nodded, "Yep! He's at Hagrid's right now..."

"Thanks Rosie!" Neville smiled.

Rosabelle returned the smile, "No problem. See ya Neville." He waved and made his way to Hagrid's, and Rosabelle walked back over to Cedric. He was still leaning against the wall, but he had his back facing Rosabelle.

Rosabelle apologised until Cedric turned around, "I'm sorry about that I was just about to-"

When he turned around, it revealed Cho Chang talking to him, smiling at that. He seemed to look a little bit frantic when Rosabelle saw them talking.

"Hey, Cho! How are you?" Rosabelle asked.

Cho replied in her cute Scottish accent, "I'm good thanks, Rosabelle."

"I'm glad to hear it." Rosabelle replied. "Uhmm Cedric, I'll just talk to you later, I need to sort out what I want to say... you know... before I ramble."