The First Task - Chapter SIX

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It was only a few days before the first task.  Everyone at Hogwarts was still against Harry for supposedly putting his own name in the Goblet of Fire. Harry tried to ignore it as best as he could, but the 'Potter Stinks' badges on almost every robe was difficult to look past. Harry and Rosabelle walked through the hallways when Harry spotted Cedric. 

"Are you gonna tell Cedric about the Dragons?" Rosabelle asked. 

"Yeah, I think I might go now, will you wait here?" Harry responded. 

Rosabelle smiled and leant against the architecture as Harry spoke to Cedric. Rosabelle observed their conversation, Cedric seemed very grateful that Harry shared the news. After a few traded words, Harry walked back over to Rosabelle. 

"You're going to do great, Harry. Play at your strengths. You aren't called the chosen one for nothing..." Rosie giggled.

Harry laughed. Rosabelle felt happy that she had made a smile appear on Harry's face. Considering the situation he was in, he didn't do much smiling. 

It was already the evening before the first task. Rosabelle went to the library to pick up some last minute books about Dragons for Harry. She searched through the shelves and picked up a few books that she quickly read over. Rosabelle looked beside her and saw Cedric looking at the Dragon books as well. 

He turned and smiled at her, although it didn't seem very real, "Helping out Harry?" He asked. 

Rosabelle returned the smile, "Yeah, just getting some last minute things that might be helpful." She responded. "How are you?" She asked, sincerly. 

Cedric took a deep breath before answering, "I'm nervous, that's for sure. But I'm very thankful that Harry gave me a heads up..." 

Rosabelle nodded, "Don't be nervous. You've done all you can to prepare..." 

"I guess so" Cedric smiled. 

"I should probably get these to Harry..." Rosabelle said. 

"Of course..." Cedric said. 

Rosabelle smiled and walked a few steps towards the exit, "Cedric. Good luck..." 

"Thanks, Rosabelle" Cedric smiled. 

Everyone at Hogwarts woke up in the morning with either an excited feeling, a nervous feeling or a gut twisting feeling. It's safe to say Hermione, Ron and Rosabelle woke up with a mixture. Nevertheless, the Triwizard Champions would have been far more nervous for the day than anyone else. Today was the day they were to complete their first task. 

Hermione rolled over in her bed and awoke when she noticed Rosabelle was right next to her asleep. Hermione sat up in her bed and looked at the clock. 

She placed a hand on Rosabelle's shoulder and lightly shook her, "Rosie, Rosie wake up..." 

Rosabelle rubbed her eyes and opened them. She too sat up and  didn't say a word for a while. 

"Does your stomach feel like it's going to explode?" Rosie asked.

Hermione nodded, "Very much so." 

The two of them sat in Hermione's bed until they built up the courage to move out of it. For those who said comfortable silence was so overrated, in this moment, it wasn't. They found the best of comfort in each others silence, knowing that each of them felt the same. Eventually, the girls decided to get out of bed. The air was cold, and brisk. Hermione and Rosabelle put on jumpers and beanies, ready for a long time in the stands watching Harry compete. As well as Viktor and Cedric.