The Champions - Chapter FOUR

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The day had finally come. Tonight was the night that the 3 champions, one from Hogwarts, one from Durmstrang and one from Beauxbatons would be chosen and announced. It was a huge deal and everyone couldn't stop talking about it. It was exciting, nerve-racking and idiotic all in one. Everyone from each school gathered in the Great Hall where Dumbledore stood next to the Goblet of Fire, ready to announce the chosen champions that will compete in the tournament. 

Dumbledore cleared his throat as always and began speaking, "Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection." 

Everyone in the hall was so impatient and ready to discovere the champions. 

Dumbledore continued, "The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!"  

The crowd cheered and applauded him. Except, Hermione didn't look all too thrilled. 

"The champion for Beauxbatons... is Fleur Delacour!" 

Once again, the crowd cheered and congratulated her for being chosen. 

 "The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!"

The students of Hogwarts cheered especially loud for Cedric. 

 "Excellent! We now have our three champions. ut in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions... this vessel of victory... the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore explained. 

Suddenly, the Goblet of Fire spit out one more piece of parchment. Dumbledore grasped it and widened his eyes as he read the name, "Harry Potter. Harry Potter?" 

Everyone broke out into chatter and confusion. 

Hermione and I watched Harry in awe. He was just as confused as the rest of us. 

"For goodness sakes Harry!" Hermione said, pushing him forward. Harry walked towards Dumbledore and stood in the middle of the room. 

"He couldn't have done it, why would he?" Rosabelle asked in a hushed voice. 

Ron shook his head, "Oh please, I think he knew what he was doing. Eternal glory..." 

"We don't know that for certain Ronald." Hermione added. 

The assembly was soon dismissed and everyone headed back to their dormitories besides Harry, who was pulled aside by the headmasters and higher-ups of each school. 

The night went on and almost everyone was asleep, except Rosabelle couldn't. She went to write in her journal but realised she had left her pencil downstairs in the common room. She quietly crawled out of bed and went downstairs to retrieve her pencil. As she reached the last step, she noticed Harry sitting on the window seat. 

"Hey Harry. How are you?" Rosabelle asked in a soft voice as she sat with Harry on the window seat. 

"Not great. Everyone thinks I put my name in that bloody cup, even Dumbledore thought for a second I did it." Harry replied. "I didn't do it, Rosie."

"I know you didn't, someone's up to this. We will figure it out Harry..." Rosie responded. 

"Ron isn't speaking to me. He as well thinks I did it." Harry said. 

Rosabelle assured him, "He will come around, he always does. Once the talk settles down, Ron will see what has really happened. Besides, all you should worry about now is getting through the competition, alright? If you need any help, let me know, same with Hermione." 

"Thanks, Rosie. Atleast you guys believe me." Harry smiled. 

"Of course we do. Now go upstairs and try to get some rest, you'll need it." Rosie smiled back. 

Harry said goodnight and walked up to his dormitory, a little less restless now that he knew someone believed that he didn't put his name in that cup. Rosabelle grabbed her pencil that was underneath the window seat cushion and went upstairs as well. 

The next morning, everyone in the school was talking about Harry Potter. The boy who wanted this eternal glory. It seemed stupid for everyone to be talking about it. How would a 14 year old boy be able to out smart one of the greatest and strongest wizards of all time? Rosabelle and Hermione advised Harry to try and block out all of the chatter. Meanwhile, Ron was very invested in the theories as to how his best friend entered the competition. Rosabelle and Hermione just tried to focus on school and not so much on the competition and rumours, but Rosabelle found that difficult when she couldn't help but overhear something about her in the hallway. 

"Cedric and Rosabelle Galano are an item, that's what I heard atleast. From a pretty good source, too." A girl in the hallway said. 

Rosabelle followed her own advice and ignored it. She walked the track to Herbology, even though class didn't start for 15 minutes. As she was walking, someone came up behind her. 

"Hey, Rosabelle..." Cedric said. 

Rosabelle turned her head and then returned it back infront of her as Cedric caught up to her, "Hey."

"Uhm... so I know you've probably heard all this talk around about... well, you and me..." Cedric began speaking. "I just wanted to let you know that it's not me who's spreading all of it, or saying anything. I just may have said something to my mate about how you caught my attention on the train, and... well you know how word gets around at Hogwarts. But I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I'm trying to clear it up as much as I can."

Rosabelle smiled, "Trust me, I do. But thank you for telling me..." 

"No problem," Cedric smiled. He looked so pure, so kind, even without saying anything. 

"So... how does it feel to be a triwizard champion?" Rosabelle asked. 

Cedric laughed, "It feels, strange. I'm a little nervous, but the first task isn't until a few weeks."

"I'm sure you'll be great," Rosabelle smiled. 

"Thanks. I've got to make it to potions, but I'm sorry again about all the talk." Cedric repeated. 

"No need to apologise, i'll see you later." Rosabelle smiled. 

Rosabelle's thoughts couldn't help but ramble, "Does he like me? I mean, he said it's because of his friend... but he said something to his friend in the first place. It's nothing Rosie, don't look too much into it. It's not like you like him back anyway. You don't even know the guy." 

While Rosabelle walked to class, she was barely looking infront of her. Her thoughts were occupying her enough. As she turned a corner, she bumped into a tall figure, who caught her fall.

Before she noticed who it was she began to apologise, "Oh my, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going-" 

"It's alright, Galano. Are you ok?" Fred asked, his hands still stabilising Rosabelle. 

"Oh, thank you, Fred. Yeah I'm ok." She replied. 

Fred turned to walk with Rosabelle, "You sure? You seem... distracted." 

"A little, but I'm not anymore. Sorry for... you know... hitting you in the hallway." Rosabelle apologised. 

"Don't be sorry, Galano. I barely felt a thing," Fred smirked. 

"Well, how are you feeling after trying to put your name in the cup?" She asked. 

"It wasn't my brightest moment but I'm happy to say I'm still handsome when I'm 200 years old," He grinned. 

Rosabelle laughed at Fred's response. Fred smiled softly as he watched Rosabelle laugh. She did have a rather admirable laugh and smile. It amplified her beauty. Rosabelle noticed Fred smiling at her and her cheeks went pink. 

"Well, I best be off... I can't be late to Snape's class," Rosabelle said. 

"Give him a kiss for me, will ya?" Fred joked. 

Rosabelle turned around and playfully rolled her eyes at Fred's joke and turned her head back around. Her hair flipped graciously in the wind as she turned back around. The day was already off to a peculiar start.