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Aimee sat in the flat and waited as warren walked in, she looked to him as he frowned "what's up babe" he asked as she smiled

"I need to talk to you. Your ex had some interesting information for me" Aimee said as warren looked to her and sighed

"and what is the diluted cow saying now" he asked as she stood up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed her self a glare of water and she turned to face him

"oh you know the normal. That you have been having an affair the same old same old" Aimee said as warren frowned

"and you believe her" he asked

"I'm asking you warren are you or are you not screwing her" she asked

"of course I am not I am with you and I love you, there is no one else I am interested in. I only want you I swear Aimee I wouldn't cheat on you and if I was do you think I'd go back to her. You have to believe me" he said as Aimee frowned

"oh I have to, do I?" Aimee asked as he looked to her

"no I didn't mean that. I have never cheated on you so why do you doubt it now, what have I done to make you doubt me" warren asked as Aimee said nothing as he stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door causing Aimee to sigh to herself  
Aimee got to the roscoe house and walked inside and smiled as she saw Lola

"are you okay" Lola asked as Aimee sighed

"I feel better. Warren and I had a fight, sienna said that they were sleeping together and we fought and he flipped out as I didn't believe him" Aimee said as Lola looked to her and smiled

"and why didn't you believe him I mean he has never cheated on you and he has never hurt you. I mean he is a good guy" Lola said as Aimee looked to her and sighed

"I honestly don't know. I mean I love him and I know he never cheated on me but I guess I just think of how we started. We started as cheating and there's part of me that's like if he can do it with you then he can do it on you" Aimee said as Lola smiled

"you and warren are good together you don't need to worry it will be all be okay, just talk to him and try and work it out. He wouldn't hurt you and you know how twisted that sienna is she will do anything to come between you" Lola said as Aimee looked to her and smiled.

Aimee knew that she was right

Aimee got back to the flat and looked to see warren and smiled

"I'm sorry, I know I messed up it just scares me that one day you might not want me. Please forgive me" Aimee said as she wake over to warren, he looked to her for a moment before he flipped her so that he back was against

the wall as he kissed her passionately. They kissed passionately as they started to strip off, Aimee moaned into the kiss as he lead her to the bedroom and smirked

"it's going to be okay I promise you" warren said as Aimee smirked.

He pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her but could they make it work with sienna lurking about once again?

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