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Aimee sighed to herself as she walked through the village. She knew that there was a lot going on, especially now that Lola had returned. Aimee knew that Sandy was more concerned about Lola that she didn't know just what Aimee was getting up to, or who Aimee was messing around with. Aimee was thankful for it as she didn't want her family to know about her and warren. She knew how her family would react if they knew she was having an affair with warren and she knew her brothers and knew that they would kill her. Aimee knew that sandy and Lola would hate her, Warren was bad, he was mad news and Aimee knew it but she couldn't resist him and didn't care over the fact that he was with Sienna. She couldn't care less with sienna and there was a part of her that felt smug about the fact she was sleeping with warren behind sienna's back.

Warren was walking through the village and smiled as he spotted Aimee "hey" he said as she smiled slightly. He could tell that she was off "come here" he said as he grabbed her arm "I'm fine, just leave me alone" Aimee said as she went to walk away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the alley. He pinned her to the wall, so that she could run off from him. She looked to him and glared "why don't you go back to your girlfriend, you know sienna, go before you learn to regret it. You forget that I am the girl with five brothers, brothers that will kill you if they learnt of us" Aimee spat as he frowned at her "you wouldn't?" "watch me" she spat as she pushed him against the wall and glared at him before she walked off.


Aimee walked back into the house and sighed. She spotted Lola who was sitting in the living room. "where is everyone?" Aimee asked as she kicked off the hells that she was wearing and took a seat next to Lola and sighed "mum went to the shop, and the rest are out and about, apart from Ziggy he's upstairs with some girl" Lola said as Aimee rolled her eyes "I wanted to talk to you" Lola said as Aimee frowned "why, what's up?" Aimee asked as Lola smiled "not here, let's go for a drink" Lola said as Aimee nodded. The sister went off to the club. Aimee said with Lola and sighed as she looked to Warren who was behind the war. Lola sighed to Aimee "you're my twin sister Aimee, you know you can tell me anything right?" Lola asked as Aimee smiled "of course" Aimee said as Lola sighed. She looked to Aimee who was watching Warren and sighed "I know Aimee, I'm your sister and that's not much I don't know" Aimee looked to Lola and sighed "I know about you and warren" Lola said as Aimee sighed "you think I'm a terrible person, don't you?" Aimee asked as Lola smiled to her. She placed a hand on top of Aimee's and smiled "I would never hate you, we're twins and I'm seeing someone who mum and her brothers would approve of" Lola said as Aimee smiled.

Aimee sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and looked to Lola "do you love him?" Lola asked "I don't know...we have something and I know he's with sienna but the sex is amazing and I feel a connection with him and I know that I have had a history of men but he...he, there is something about him that I can't put my finger on" Aimee said as Lola smiled to her "don't worry I won't tell a soul" Lola said. Unaware that someone had overheard everything and was about to tell sienna everything.

A thirst for him (hollyoaks)Where stories live. Discover now