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Aimee frowned to herself as her woke up as she realised that warren wasn't in bed. She was worried as she knew that he hadn't been himself lately and that he was off. She knew that her brothers seemed to be plotting over warren and she was worried that they were starting to get to Him and it scared her as she knew that she didn't want to lose him.

Aimee Knew how she and warren had a complicated relationship but Aimee knew how much that she loved him and she knew how she wanted to make it work. Aimee sighed to herself as she stood up from the bed and walked through the flat. She smirked as she saw him with Mila and smiled.

She loved seeing them together and seeing what a great dad that he was. Aimee walked over to him and smiled as she leant in and kissed her. He wrapped an arm around her waist as he pulled her close

"Everything okay?" Aimee asked as warren looked to her and smiled

"yeah, it's all good, you don't need to worry over me. I am fine. We are fine and we are going to be okay. I am going to settle Mila down as she's been up early" warren said as Aimee looked to him and smirked. Aimee watched as he walked out of the room as she made herself a coffee and smiled. She ran a hand through her hair and smirked as she felt warren walked over to her and grabbed her by the waist.

He pulled her close and kissed her as she turned to face him and smirked as she ran her hands through his hair. She smirked into the kiss as she moaned. He lifted her up onto the bench top and smirked as he stood between her legs.

She moaned as he pulled her close. He pulled the shorts that she had on off of her as her hand slid into his boxers teasing him. He moaned against her touch as they kissed passionately.

He started to kiss her neck as she moaned against his touch as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her. Aimee moaned against him as she felt herself reach her high as he climaxed with her. Aimee rested her head against his as she looked to him and smirked as they held a look

Lola frowned to herself as she walked through the dog car park. She was trying to call Aimee who didn't seem to be answering her phone. Lola rolled her eyes and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair.

Lola saw joe and warren as they stood arguing in the garage. Lola frowned to herself, she knew how Aimee was worried over joe and Freddie and how that they seemed to be doing anything that hey could to keep Aimee away from warren. Lola knew how her twin sister had been through so much and she hated it as all that she wanted was for Aimee to be happy.

Lola knew warren made Aimee happy, they were a family and they were together and she just wished that her brothers could see that but they couldn't and it drove loa mad. Lola knew it was only going to be so long before either joe or warren snapped and either way she feared that Aimee would be the one who was caught in the middle of them.

Aimee loved warren but they were roscoes and a family and they stuck together. Lola knew it was all going to end up badly, no matter how she looked at it.


Aimee stood in the flat and sighed. She looked to mila who was babbling away and smiled and then to the pregnancy test on the side that she had just bought.

Aimee knew that she loved mila more than anything and how one day that she wanted more kids but she didn't want it right now.

Aimee looked to the pregnancy test and sighed, she had been feeling off and she was scared, she was scared that she might be pregnant again and Aimee knew if she was, she had no idea what to do

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