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A/n: Lola roscoe and the storyline and any kiddies she had belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Aimee woke up and groaned. She had been out the night before after she had learnt that Freddie knew about her and warren. She had drunk, drank way too much. She sat up to her phone buzzing and looked to see Lola, her twin sister was calling her "lo, what time do you cll this. You trying to wake the waking dead or something?" Aimee asked as she placed a hand on her hungover. She frowned as she heard Lola slur into the phone "your drunk. Where are you?" Lola asked "hollyoaks village, miss me?" Lola slurred as Aimee sat up in bed "okay, I'm on my way" Aimee said as she stood from the bed.

She noticed then, that she had slept with warren again "oh god sake Aimee" Aimee said to herself as warren groaned. He woke up and smirked seeing Aimee in a bra and slipping her jeans on "come back to bed" he said as he pulled her to him "no, I can't. Look you're going to have to find your own way out of here, I have to go and find my sister" Aimee said as warren frowned "didn’t know you had a sister" he said "that’s because we don’t talk, we shag, and I also have five brothers, remember that as you let yourself out" Aimee said as she slipped on her top and headed downstairs.

Aimee walked into the kitchen as she spotted sandy and Freddie "bit early for you" Sandy said "yeah, I have to do something" Aimee said "like what" Freddie said "none of your business" "yeah it is" Freddie said as Aimee glared to him "Freddie, leave your sister alone" Sandy said as Robbie and Jason walked into the room "your favourite twins are here" Robbie said "no, that’s me and Lola, Like A is for Amazing Aimee and L is for legendary Lola" Aimee said as she grabbed Ziggy's toast and walked out of the house "oi" he called as she smirked "and there's your third daughter right there" she looked to Ziggy who was busy plucking his eye brows.


Aimee walked through the village and rolled her eyes and smirked slightly as she found a drunk Lola sitting on a bench "Lola, what party did you go to and not invite me to?" Aimee asked as Lola smirked slightly "if it isn't my favourite twin" Lola said as Aimee helped her to her feet "I'm your only twin you idiot" Aimee said as she helped Lola back home. Aimee headed back to the house. She ran a hand through her blonde hair as she walked through the backdoor. She knew that everyone would be out. She opened the door and silently closed It. Lola stubbled slightly "pull yourself together Lola" Aimee said as she heard footsteps. She placed a hand over Lola's mouth stopping her from giggling and placed a finger over her lips telling her to be quiet "what do we have here" Aimee heard warren say. Aimee looked to him and glared "what are you still doing here?" She asked as he smirked "not very nice, I lied you better drunk" warren said as Lola threw up on his shoes. Aimee smirked "my thoughts exactly" Aimee said as warren had a look of disgust on his face "I told you to leave, if you did, it wouldn’t have happened" Aimee said as warren glared "I had to see what you were up to" "please, you sound like you care" Aimee said as warren sighed "later, okay" he said as he walked out of the house.


Aimee had managed to get Lola to bed to sleep her hangover off as Sandy walked into her room "mum, do you mind like knocking" Aime said as she stood from her bed "when were you going to tell me Lola was home and very much drunk" Sandy asked as Aimee sighed "when she sobered up" "come with me" Sandy said as she walked out of the room. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she followed sandy to Lola's room. Sandy walked in and tried to wake Lola "she won't wake" Aimee said "you two are eighteen, how the hell do you two get in such drunken states I had this with you last night" sandy said as Aimee rolled her eyes "yeah yeah" she said as she walked out of the room "I have to go to work, maybe you can yell at me when Lola is actually conscious" Aimee said.


Aimee let out a moan as her back was pushed against the wall. She felt warren kiss her neck as she ran her hands through his hair "you're such a tease" warren said as she smirked "you love it" Aimee said as she started to pull his shirt off. She stood in the doorway by the front door as she heard the back door close. Aimee froze and placed her hand over warrens mouth as she heard Lola stubble in and pull someone up the stairs. She was looking at where Aimee and Warren were half naked. She was more interested on getting someone up the stairs. That someone was Patrick Blake "no bloody way" Aimee whispered as she heard door to Lola's bedroom close "she didn’t she us, did she?" Warren asked as Aimee shock her head "come on, we better head to the bedroom before anyone else catches us" warren said as he grabbed Aimee's hand and lead her to her bedroom.

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