Right Thing

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Ari and JJ arrived at the Maybank residence. Ari could see JJ's hesitation knowing his dad was there.

" You want me to go with you?" Ari spoke softly rubbing up and down his arm.

JJ shook his head. " It could get ugly and—."

" That's exactly why I should go, baby." Ari cut him off speaking softly.

JJ took his girlfriend's face in his hands softly. " Promise me you won't follow unless necessary."

" Once I hear something that allows me to think something is wrong, I'm running in, J." Ari told him sternly.

" Okay." JJ sighs knowing that he wasn't gonna be able to change her mind. Ari gives him a soft smile leaning up and pecking his lips softly. They pulled away with smiles. JJ pecked her lips once more before walking towards the house.

Ari watched JJ breath in a sharp breath, before walking in. Her heart was racing. She was scared for what could happen she tried distracting herself by going on her phone, but all she kept getting was messages from Kie and Sarah.

Ari paced as she listened for anything, so that she can run in. If you couldn't tell, Ari was very strong for a small girl. Instead of doing sports that involved balls, she did boxing and she was amazing at it. Which according to JJ made her 10 times hotter. She could handle anyone, no matter the size. Boxing also enhanced her pain tolerance.

As she was in deep thought she heard grunting and loud thuds. Immediately she took off into the house running to back. There she saw JJ on top of his father with a wrench in his hand. Ari knew that JJ wasn't gonna do it. He couldn't, so she ran and placed a hand on his back and took the wrench from his grasp softly, ignoring the gaze of his father that was on her.

JJ kept his eyes on his father. As he cried softly. " I ain't scared of you anymore." JJ stares down at his father as he sobbed, standing up.

That was it. That broke Ari's heart. Ari wrapped her arms around his waist and JJ clung to her tightly as he sobbed into her neck. JJ has never cried like this, especially not in front of Ariella, but she of course didn't mind or care.

JJ sniffles intertwining their fingers. Ari kissed the back of his hand softly as they started to walk back toward the house. As they walked up the stairs, Ari stopped. " Hold up, I just want to say something."

Ari let's go of JJ's hand before running to Luke, JJ's father who was stilling laying on the floor. She stands beside him bending down to his level. " I just want you to know, that you are a disgusting piece of shit. You don't deserve someone as amazing and wonderful as JJ to be your son. He deserved better and just know I'm gonna give him that." With that Ari stands looking down at the man, she rolls her eyes before walking back to JJ intertwining their fingers as they walk off.


John B and Sarah quickly parked the van after Rafe demanded them to do so.

" Shit. No, no, no, no. John B." Sarah stops him from getting out the Van. Where was Ari when you needed her?

" What?" John B stops closing his door.

" Let me handle him." Sarah says sternly before getting out the car and storming to Rafe. " What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Rafe took off his helmet. " There she is! Little Miss Perfect!" He was kinda pissed off from what Ari had told him and of course everything else.

" Hello? Are you high?" Sarah tried to get a good look at his eyes, she grabs his hand dragging so he wasn't facing John B.

" What? Oh, no." Rafe shook his head.

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