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Riding in the front of JJ's bike, JJ behind her working the motorcycle. JJ wanted her in his sight at all times which is why he put her in the front. Ari was kinda happy with the decision because the wind was hitting her and drying her off. Never did Ari think she would've almost died...again in sewer.

It seemed like Shoupe thought the same because when they told him, his face held a reaction they couldn't describe. He stared at them looking each and every one of them over.

Ari and Kie were sitting down in front of Shoupe's desk, explaining to him everything that happened. As they were wrapping up, JJ dropped the gun down on Shoupe's desk.

"So y'all are telling me this is the firearm Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?" Shoupe motions to the gun.

"And the one he shot me with." Ari pipes in. Is it bad that she felt a little bad for snitching her brother out? She hates him with all her being, but for some reason it still felt wrong and she hated it.

JJ nods. "That's exactly what we're telling you."

"And the exact same firearm that Ward killed Gavin with." Pope adds.

"I-And where's the corpse again?" Shoupe asks getting annoyed.

"There was something dead down there, I'm
not sure because I was fighting for my damn life." Ari explains. "I recorded that night, but mysteriously my phone goes missing."

"You didn't look?" Kie questions confused.

"I just said I'm not sure because I was fighting for my life." Ari rolls her eyes.

"I checked the hospital. I went by his house. He's out."

"He was out?!" Kie and Pope exclaim.

"No shit! 'Cause he's dead!" The couple shouts together.

"Just because he's not in his damn house does not mean he was a victim of homicide!" Shoupe raises his voice.

"Are you at least gonna send it in for ballistics and shit, or are you just gonna sit on your ass like you always do?" Ari speaks, her voice full of venom.

"He'll sit there and wax that mustache. Is that even real?" JJ questions, Ari allows herself to let out a chuckle.

"I'll wax this--." Shoupe gets up to go confront JJ.

"Shut up, JJ!" Pope scolds him making both JJ and Shoupe stop in their tracks.

"Oh, I'm sorry." JJ says sarcastically. No emotions in his tone. "Did I hurt his feelings?"

"He'll feel better when my daddy gives him his check." Ari mutters.

"Shut up!" Shoupe moves around JJ and walks to his door, opening it. "Get out. I got work to do."

"Are you serious?" Kie glares at him.

"Y'all are smelling up my office." Shoupe tells them.

"Did Ward bribe you? This doesn't make any sense." Kie says as she stands and walks out with Pope.

"You ain't gonna do shit." JJ snaps.


"J, my love, go." Ari stands placing a kiss on JJ's hand. JJ looks between his girlfriend and to the sheriff in front of him. He sighs and storms out.

Shoupe eyes the Cameron before he closes the door, walking to his seat and sits back on the door. "What?"

"We brought you the murder weapon. There's no logical reason for you not to send it in." Ari starts. "You know we're telling you the truth. We wouldn't have came if we were lying. I don't know what my father has on you or how much he's laying you, but what I do know is that not only could I not have protected my brother, John B, but my sister from being killed. I myself almost did just being out there, but obviously my word isn't enough. John B and Sarah deserve justice even if they're not here to see it...I deserve justice because that man and Rafe have ruined me more times than I can count. Please, Shoupe. Give me something. Anything."

Shoupe stays quite as he notices the tears welling up in the girls eyes. He takes a breath. "Go with your friends."

Ari felt her heart drop. A realization hits her. She won't be seeing either of her siblings for a long time and it hurt to know that because she needed them more now than never.

Ari wipes away a stray tear that fell from her cheek. She gets up with sniffle, slowly walking to the door. She places her hand on the door knob, but turns towards Shoupe one last time. "It's bullshit and you know it. You don't deserve this job and I hope you know you will never live up to Peterkin. She's what this place needed. You will forever just be back up. Thanks for nothing."


"I'm scared, princess." JJ say softly running his free hand through her hair admiring the way her eyes shined due to the light of the sunset on her face.

"Of what?" Ari asks in a low tone, her hands running up and down JJ's torso, her head in his lap.

The two were at the beach, alone. No one around them. After going home and noticing that Ari's aunt and uncle weren't him, so Ari cooked them something easy before they decided to go out to their favorite spot, which happened to be the beach.

The beach brought both JJ and Ari peace. The sound of the waves, the feeling of the soft warm sand between their toes, the cool breeze hitting them as they laid in the sun immediately calmed them down, brought them peace and just being there with their favorite person made it a perfect moment.

"What if we can't get John B and Sarah back?" JJ questions moving his eyes away from her face and towards the gentle wavy water.

Ari shakes her head and looks up at him despite "Don't say that JJ."

"Someone had to say it." JJ mumbles "What if we can't get them back? What if they have a target on them forever? What is it gonna take for Shoupe to notice that Ward and Rafe are slowly ending the best things in town, staring with John B's life and almost ending yours."

"Shoupe does notice." Ari sits up and puts her finger under his chin so their eyes could connect. "He's just stuck under Ward's spell and we can't think like this JJ especially me because then I'll get into my deep depression again. Losing them...especially John B was so fucking hard on us, J and now that we know he's alive, we can't give up on the chance of getting them back. We have to hold on to that hope because if we don't everything will go to shit all over again."

"And I am holding on to that hope, it doesn't make it any less—."

"Scary." Ari finishes for him. "I know, my love. But you have me okay and we will get through this together and we will get John B and Sarah back one way or another. I will make it my life's mission because without them our family isn't complete."

"I love you so much, beautiful." JJ cups her cheek.

"I love you so much more, handsome." Ari smiles at him sweetly before the two lean in and connect their lips. "You know, you owe something very special later."

JJ presses a kiss on her neck before pulling back. "Yeah? And what's that very special thing?"

"That di—."

Before Ari could finish her sentence JJ picked her up making her squeal as he started running towards the water. Ari tries her best to fight out of his grip, but it was no use because JJ drops her in the water.

"Maybank! You're so lucky it not cold!"

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