( Sorry for not updating! Hopefully this makes up for it😁)
It was now morning, Kie and Sarah found themselves sitting on the edge boat, Ari was on the edge too but away from them. Since she woke up in the little cabin she hasn't spoken. Ari just wanted to be with JJ and it was finally happening when she saw the HMS pull up.
" You need a tow?" John B shouts to the three girls. Ari ignores him as she sees the two other girl mumble to each other. She knew Kie forgived her, it was obvious and Ari wasn't stupid. She also noticed the sad long glances Sarah has been sending her all morning.
" You gotta admit it was funny." John B pulled up.
" John B." Kie started. " Mastermind, huh?"
" I'm always plannin'." John B smirks.
" Some patriarchal bullshit." Kie states.
" Yeah, that sucked." Sarah adds. JJ noticed the look on Ari's face immediately knowing that something didn't go right.
" You still love us though, right?" JJ asked looking at the girls but mainly Ari who didn't react. She wanted to smile but would it be crazy for her to say it hurt her to smile because she felt like she would be lying even if she didn't say anything at all?
" Yeah, what ever." Sarah mumbles.
" Hey, you still hate me?" John B looks to the two Cameron's.
" More than I did before I got on this boat." Ari told him taking JJ's hand and hopping in the HMS. Immediately she wrapped her arms around the tall blonde boy who did the exact same thing. Everyone momentarily stood quite watching the moment.
They two blondes pulled away from each other looking into each other's eyes deeply and once again JJ pulled her back into his arms picking her up allowing her to wrap her feet around his waist and place her head in his neck as he kissed her neck lightly. JJ walked to the edge of the boat sitting down making sure he didn't fall.
It looked like they haven't seen each other in months...no years, but it brought a smile to everyone's face.
" I couldn't do it, J." Ari whispered into his neck as the other 4 went back to talking.
" Do what?" JJ whispered back his chin on her head.
" Forgive her. I tried but I couldn't. She doesn't even understand what she did wrong." Ari softly spoke to him lifting her head out of his neck and looking into his eyes.
" It's okay, baby. At least you tried. Now it's all on Sarah." JJ lifted his left hand and rubbed her cheek softly pulling her into a short sweet kiss.
" I love you." JJ whispered as they pulled away. No matter how many times he said it her heart would flutter and she felt like she was on cloud 9.
" I love you more." Ari whispered back before cuddling into his neck again.
" Hey lovebirds! Stop with all the lovey-dovey shit." Kie calls to them making both Ari and JJ stick up their middle finger at her.
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