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"Hey, here he comes. Stay down." Ariella instructs the Pogues, pulling JJ down with her. His chin resting on her shoulder as they waited in the car.

"He didn't see us. He didn't see us. Go." JJ announces as Gavin drives straight passed them, not even looking in their direction.

"My seatbelt." Pope struggles with his seatbelt, pulling at it.

"Couldn't have had better timing, P." Ariella says sarcastically. Pope glares at her still trying to get his seatbelt to work.

"Are you seriously buckling up now?" JJ snaps at Pope as Kie begins to drive after Gavin.

"Sorry." Pope rolls his eyes dramatically, finally getting his seatbelt on. "I'm not trying to die!"

As they were driving, the car fell silent. They waited for Pope to announce whether or not Gavin started to speak. JJ wrapping on arm around Ari's waits, his free hand playing with the ends of Ariella's hair as she leans between the two seats in front of her.

"It's Ward." Pope finally announces. "He's talking to Ward."

"You for real?" JJ taps Pope's shoulder repeatedly.

Ari grabs JJ's hand and takes it into hers, giving him a blank look. She softly runs her thumb over the back of his hand, giving him a small smirk. "No he's lying, right now bubba."

This time JJ gives her a look. "You know, you've been really mean to me today." JJ leans down to her ear. "We're gonna have to do something about that later."

"Oh yeah?" Ari whispers back, running a finger over JJ's jaw. "Guess we'll just have to see, now. Won't we?"

JJ responds by leaning down and places his lips on the girls neck, placing light kisses and sucking softly. Shivers ran all throughout Ari's  body. She would be lying if she said JJ's actions and words didn't excite her.

JJ places one more kiss on her neck before he acts like nothing happened, placing his hand on her upper thigh, running his fingers over the sides. He knew what he was doing...He smirked seeing Ari shift slightly.

"Get closer, I can't hear." Pope tells Kie. Kie nods and goes faster slightly, but not too fast to make it obvious that they were following him. "He's talking about negotiating something...renegotiating."

Ari and JJ move up, hoping to hear something about that could put Rafe and her father into jail. That's where they belonged. Jail. They shouldn't be walking free after what they did. There was no way Ari was gonna let that happen. She would try her best until they or at least one of them were behind bars.

"Gavin's got the gun Rafe used to shoot Ari and kill Peterkin." Pope announces making Ari, quickly sit up straight. JJ intertwining their hands. "I think he's trying to use it as extortion...as leverage."

Was this it? We're they getting closer to finally getting justice?

"Wait." Kie suddenly says out loud. "He's pulling over."

Gavin pulled into the side of the road. Kie looks at the other three. "Do I pull behind him? What do I do?"

"Not pull behind him." Ari states. "drive around the block, quickly though. We can't loose him."

As she quickly drove, Pope starts to panic. "I can't hear anything, shit. I'm losing signal. I can't hear him."

"Fuck." Ariella curses as they come to a blocked off road. "Just our luck, huh?"

It came to Ariella that they were slowly losing the only evidence they had to convict Rafe and Ward. This couldn't happen.

"What are you doing? Hey, we were about to back up." JJ shouts opening the car door.

It seemed Pope knew that also because he jumped out of the car and began running in the direction they had just came from, cutting through people's gardens. "We gotta know where they're meeting!"

"Let's go, gorgeous." JJ pulls on his girlfriend's hand as they run after Pope, Kie following the two. The couple faintly hearing how Kie wasn't allowed to keep her car there, not that either of them cared.

"I don't think I've ever seen Pope run this fast." Ari comments as she breaths heavily. They watch as Pope hops over a fence only to land face first on the ground. Ari let's out a laugh along with JJ and Kie.

As they run, Ari comes to a familiar backyard,
only to see it was Sean's backyard, a person she knew due to him being a kook.

"Sean, ah this is where you live, you kook." JJ chuckles at the boy as they slow down their running just a bit.

"Hey! You're dating a kook!" Sean shouts back as Ari waves at him and some girls she knew vaguely because of all the kook parties.

"I remind him all the time." Ari smiles proudly. JJ laughs and nods in confirmation. Kie following behind them awkwardly.

"Did you hear something?" JJ asks Pope as they finally catch up to him. He wraps his arm around Ari's shoulder.

Kie giving them a longing glance that Ari didn't quite understand. Ari looks to JJ who just tightens his arm around her shoulders telling her to ignore it.

"He's meet Ward right now. we gotta go." Pope states breathlessly.

"You want to carry me?" Ari pouts at JJ.

JJ smiles softly and picks her up bridal style. He places multiple kisses all over her face causing the Cameron girl to let out a fit of giggles, that made JJ's heart swell.

Pope and Kie watch them as they walk. Pope looking at them happily, as they were finally back to normal and Kie...Kie was looking at them with a bit of jealousy. No one knew why, well besides JJ and Kie.

Boy did JJ hate hiding things from Ari, but she had to. It's what was best for her...for them...for him.

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