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Ari was in her room coming out of the bathroom from taking a shower when she heard tapping on her window. She hung her towel and put her dirty clothes in the hamper. Before moving to her window. Ari pushed the shade aside and saw JJ standing there on her little balcony. He looked tired and his cheek was red. He had a small cut on his cheek. Ari knew who did it. Ari opened her window immediately letting him in.

" I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I didn't know where else to go." JJ apologized quickly.

" No, no, JJ. Don't apologize. Your welcome here anytime. I've told you this." Ariella dragged him into her bathroom sitting him in the toilet.

" He did it again, Ari. I don't know what to do anymore." JJ's voice broke as he spoke.

" You can stay here with me, JJ. I'm not sending you back there, not again. Especially when I know he's still doing this." Ari took a alcohol pad and lightly cleaned the cut. JJ didn't even wince.

" But he's my father, Ariella." JJ sighed a tear falling down his cheek. Ariella pulled him into a hug and he silently cried.

" I know, I know and I can't tell you what to do. But at least stay with me tonight." Ari pleaded to him. He nodded against her. When she finished she allowed him to take a shower and clean himself up.

Ariella laid in her bed scrolling through her phone as JJ came out the bathroom with no shirt on. Ariella checked him over. It was like an automatic instinct to her.

" Hey, my eyes are up here." JJ smirked as he caught her.

" Shut up." Ariella blushed. JJ set his clothes to the side before hopping straight into bed with her making sure the lights were off. It wasn't the first time he slept over.

They turned on their sides, so they could face each other. JJ couldn't help but smile at her. She was so beautiful.

" Thank you." JJ whispered putting a piece of hair behind her ear.

" You never have to thank me bubba." Ariella grabbed his hand and placed it on her cheek.

" I will forever thank you princess." He rubbed his thumb lightly on her cheek. Aria didn't respond. Instead she cuddled into JJ who wrapped his arms around her sending them both into a deep wonderful sleep.


" They're freaking Pogues, man

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" They're freaking Pogues, man." Ariella heard Topper say as they came towards where her and Sarah were about to help a little girl. JJ had left early in the morning to meet John B.

" Want to say that louder Topper? I will beat your ass again if I have to. " Ariella shouted to him.

" No um sorry." Topper said back.

" Can you tell me what she looks like, sweet heart?" Ariella turned to the little girl.

" She has a trunk and blue ears." The little girl described.

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