Everything You Touch Gets Destroyed

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

  It's a short one today, mainly because I couldn't figure out what to do with Demon in this chapter. I was going to make it so she saw Scorpius at the Black Lake waiting for someone, but I feel like that was too predictable. So I just decided to give her a short chapter for today. Don't worry once I finish with Scorpius' chapter she will have a good length chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this short one. It may be short but there is a lot of drama. Alright, I'll leave you to the reading now.

Happy readings.




  I was sitting on the shore of the Black Lake looking out over the glistening water. There was a cool gentle breeze playing with my blond hair as I hummed a lullaby my mother used to sing to me. It played in my head every time I was by the Black Lake because it was the place where my mother pretended to die. It had a deep meaning to me, as it was my mother’s only way she figured she could escape her life. I would sit here, looking out over the lake and imagine what it must have been like. To see my mother throw herself off the cliff in front of both my father and uncle. What would have happened had she really died? Who would my father be with?

  I shook my head, my thoughts were swarming with depressing thoughts. I pushed my hair out of my eyes and stood up. I walked up to the cliff and sat down on the edge. It was so vivid sometimes. Almost like it played on loop. The image of what my mother looked like falling into the shadowy depths below. Sometimes I think about the fall. The wind rushing to wrap around me, trying to catch me, but its invisible hands not enough to stop my fall. The water embracing me in a cold wet hug, pulling me deeper into its hidden kingdom. My body giving up the essence of life and slowly drifting downward as my lungs give out. Feeling the cold water slip into my lungs, suffocating me. It almost felt like bliss.

  “Stop!” A voice cried out from behind me.

  I blinked and looked around. Without realizing it I had stood up and was looking down at the Black Lake with only the heels of my feet on the edge of the cliff. My arms were stretched out as if I was trying to balance on a rope, or getting ready to jump into a dive. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me from the cliff. I shook my head trying to figure out what I had been trying to do. I could feel them pull me to the ground as if on accident from rushing to pull me from the edge. I could feel the grass underneath my head and the dirt digging into my exposed flesh.

  “Are you crazy?” the voice called to me again.

  I looked up into brown eyes that was filled with worry and concern. “Crazy?” I asked them still confused.

  My eyes finally focused and I was able to clearly see Johnathon leaning over me. I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked at him. “Yes, crazy! You were just about to let yourself fall into the Black Lake! What were you thinking? Were you trying to kill yourself?”

  I shook my head and stood up, “No, I wasn’t. I don’t know what I was doing.”

  Johnathon shook his head and stood up, “You were just about to fall into the lake! Do you know what happened to the last person that took a dive from this height?”

  I crossed my arms and looked at him, my expression showing my obvious answer as to yes, I did know. “Yeah, it was my mother that took the dive in. She was fine.”

  Johnathon shook his head again, “Yes, but she had used magic to be fine. You weren’t using magic at all.”

  “So what? It’s not like anyone would care.” I didn’t think of what I was saying. I didn’t even know I was saying it until it had already been spoken.

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