Authors Note

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

Oh my god, I am sorry I haven't posted anything in what? Two weeks? I know I've deprived you of your updates... Okay, was that too dramatic? You tell me... Guess I'm in a dramatic mood. Anyway, let me give you my excuse this time as to why I haven't posted.

Lily's chapters are always complicated to write. I have a lot of ideas for her but they don't fit well with the chapter and they are more what I would like to do for her in future chapters. I never seem to get good ideas for her chapters when I actually need them. She just stumps me. Plus she's a new kind of character for me. I'm trying to keep her innocent and pure (I have my reasons behind that), but also trying to make her rebellious (You'll understand why later). It's driving me insane! She's my character (well J.K Rowlings character as Lily is not my own) that never swears unless she's angry and she's also very naive. This just makes it hard for me. I don't know how to begin writing a naive character that is not a little kid! I mean, I guess I could just pretend she is a little kid but that would just throw everything off balance. Ugh! (This portion of the rant is over).

Another reason is I've been stressing out. As some of you know I am in college, it's my second year here. I want to transfer to a University to try and get a degree in Video Editing and Creative Writing. I applied to the University I really want to go to and guess what... I got accepted... Yeah cheers! It's the best thing...

Sadly it's not. I want to go but I don't think I'm ready to transfer just yet. I want to wait a year and make sure Video Editing is what I want to do. I am not concerned about Creative Writing. I love writing more than anything in the world. But other than that what do I want to do? Nothing brings me any passion like writing does, and I can NOT be a teacher! I would not have the patience to deal with kids.

Anyways, my mom wants me to go to the University but I don't want to. Yes, she pays for my tuition, but ultimatly it's my choice. Stuff like this just gets me stressed out and I never know what to do. I know this isn't interesting to any of you and I know like what... half of you won't even make it this far. If you have well good job.

For those of you that have read this and made it this far I'll give you a little treat for actually reading to this point.

As you probably have figured out, each character in this story has a secret they aren't willing to share, ones that they don't even want to share with you. It's those secrets you will have to be on the look out for. Little hints will be given, but not until they are ready to reveal those secrets will you know. They must find it within themselves to be honest. I've always heard, and I find it true, it doesn't become real until it's spoken aloud. In this case for them, it doesn't become real until it's written down. Like everyone they must grow and become accepting of themselves. Once they can do that will they be able to grow and do great things.

That's not the treat though. That was just introducing the treat I have for you. This is what I wanted to say for those that are still reading this.

As I've said they have secrets that they need to accept in order to grow and do great things. But what happens if they can't learn to accept themselves? One character throughout the story, may seem to accept themselves, but what if they don't? What would happen to them if they can't move past the things haunting them?

A lot of this story is still in planning so things may change with what happens. But I wanted to guy you guys something for reading this. If you made it to the end of this authors note, I am very grateful. If you didn't, well, sorry for wasting your time.

I'll let you get back to your reading. I should have the next update posted soon.

Until then my dear friends.

Love always,


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