Not Again

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

  Happy Thanksgiving! Okay, let me rephrase that. Happy Belated Thanksgiving! So much was going on with the holidays that I haven't had time to update. I'm working on that now. I hope everyone had a great holiday and had a great time spending time with your family.

  Sorry it's a short chapter. I was struggling through this chapter as I had no ideas for it. I guess it's a filler chapter for now. Hopefully Demon's next chapter will be so much better.

  After this chapter I don't know when I'll be updating next. Next week is finals and then I'm moving back home. So yeah, a lot is going on but I promise to update as soon as I can and I promise it will be a great chapter! I'm excited to get to writing Albus' chapter and see what he's up to.

  So yeah, I'll let you get to reading!

Happy Readings!

Love always,



  Looking down at the water, it was still and silent. Nothing moved above the water, but everything moved beneath the surface. Just because you couldn't see anything move, didn't mean nothing moved at all. The surface of the water reflected back the blue of the clear sky above it, with the sun glistening over the water like little stars captured just under the surface of the water. It was beautiful, and with the window blowing a slight breeze it was a wonderful day.

  I stood above the water on the cliff, my blond hair blowing gently in the wind. I looked at the water, my body feeling heavy and empty. I didn't feel like I was in my own body; I was more of a spectator watching myself move. I smirked as I moved to the very edge of the cliff and looked at the beautiful surface of the water. I spread my arms out wide and got ready to dive into the welcoming waters that promised to wrap me in a warm watery embrace.

  Arms wrapped around me and quickly pulled me away from the edge. I pushed against them wanting to be let go so I could greet the waters depths as a friend, but they wouldn't let go. I turned and quickly punched them in the face hoping that would get them to let me go. It didn't work. I heard a grunt as my fist connected with their face but they kept a firm grip on me. I growled and kept punching out at them at every place I could manage to reach. Finally they let me go and I quickly got up and looked down at them.

  I looked into the brown eyes of Johnathon, my mind and body finally coming together. Johnathon looked like shit. He had a cut in his lip and on his cheek under his left eye. His red eye was starting to swell in what would eventually be a black eye. He winced as he sat up, putting a hand on his rib cage as he gave a low chuckle. "I guess I deserved that."

  I knelt down and put a hand over my mouth, "Oh my god, I am so sorry, Johnathon! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

  Johnathon laughed and wave a hand in dismissal. "Don't worry about it. I scared you when I know better. It's not the first time you've beaten the crap out of me."

  "I still shouldn't have-" I paused, finally registering what he had said. "Johnathon, what do you mean it's not the first time?"

  He looked at me confused, his brown eyes searching my blue eyes. "Just last week you beat the shit out of me after I pulled you away from the cliff just like I did this time. Told me not to scare you unless I wanted it to happen again."

  I shook my head. This confused me, I don't remember any of that. This didn't make sense. Why would Johnathon say that when I don't remember doing it. The only logical sense was that he was joking. I started laughing, "Oh! I get it! You're messing with me. Great, you had me going there for a moment, Johnathon."

  "I'm not joking, Demon. Why would you think that?"

  I shook my head still chuckling, "You can give it a rest now, I know you're just messing with me."

  He shook his head, his eyebrows knitting together in frustration. "I'm not messing with you. You seriously beat the shit out of me last week."

  "You can knock it off, Johnathon. I don't know what game you're playing, but you can stop." I glared at him, not liking the joke anymore.

  "Seriously, Demon! I'm not making this up. You can even ask James and Lily! They had to pull you off me because you wouldn't stop."

  I froze as I looked at him. Holy shit. He wasn't joking. This realization scared me. I jumped up to my feet and took off running. I didn't know where to, I just ran letting my feet carry me wherever I could squeeze my body.

  I kept running, losing feeling in my body except for the ache in my legs and in my lungs. I ignored the pain in my body and kept running wanting to run away, not from Hogwarts, but from myself.

  Soon the trees and dirt started to fade together and the world around me seemed to disappear.

  You're worthless. All you do is hurt those around you that say they love you and care about you. They can't be around you for more than a minute without you hitting them.

  "Shut up," I whispered. The voice was taunting me, trying to drag me down into the very depths of my mind so I would be lost forever in anger and despair.

  No one will love you, you know? Who would love someone as violent as you? No one, that's who. Lily doesn't love you. Albus hates you. Scorpius can't stand the very sight of you. James thinks your pathetic. You parents only pretend to love you. No one would care if you cast yourself off the cliff and into the Black Lake. Just end it and the pain will be gone.

  I collapsed to my knees and screamed as I placed my hands over my ears, "Go away!"

  You can't get rid of me, Demon. I'll always be by your side, reminding you why you are foolish. Why no one loves you. Why you are truly a demon. You think your mother named you after her best friend? You know that's not true. You got your name because you truly are a demon. Every part of you. You've been kissed by the devil and everyone knows! You cannot escape, Demon. You never will escape!

  I pushed myself to my feet again as I felt tears roll down my cheeks and blindly ran, not knowing where I was going or which way I was running. Not again. Please not again. This voice, was not going to do this to me. Not again. I couldn't let it overpower me again.

  That's right, Demon. Run, run from the truth. But just know, the truth will always follow you, as will I.

  The voice laughed in my ears and it felt like it surrounded me. I dropped to my knees this time in a puddle and gave a loud, blood curdling scream that pierced through the silent night.

  Slowly, the world came back into my view and I was able to recognize the Forbidden Forest just before the world went dark and I slipped into unconsciousness.

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