Protecting Lily

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

  Happy Friday! You don't know how much I wanted to post this all week. I would have updated last night at midnight, however I was in Portland at a concert. I had gone to see Dierks Bentley and so was at my aunts house without a laptop. Therefore, I could no update until now. However, as of next week my update time will change. I start working on Sunday and Fridays I have to get up early which means I go to be early. So I either will update every Thursday night before I head to bed, or after I get out of work on Friday. I'll let you guys know next week when I update what I will be doing. Alright, well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll let you guys read now.

Love you guys! Happy readings!





  “Remember to go to class every day and no skipping. Do your homework and get good grades. No fooling around and don’t get into trouble with Lily, okay. We don’t need any more fights with Uncle Harry and Aunt Demon. Alright?” Mom said as she pulled away from the hug that she had moments before pulled me into.

  I smiled at my mom, “Lily’s the one that gets me into trouble, not the other way around.”

  Mom shook her head, “Come on, I doubt that. Lily is just too sweet and innocent to get into trouble by herself.”

  I glared at my mother, “Um, excuse me, have you met her? She is so not innocent.”

  Dad looked at me and shook his head, “Either way, just stay out of trouble.”

  I scowled, “Whatever.”

  Mom shook her head before saying, “Why can’t you be more like your brother and behave?”

  My jaw dropped and tears started coming to my eyes but I pushed them back, “Seriously?”

  Mom kissed my cheek and smiled, “I’m kidding, Hun. Now, behave and we will see you in the summer. Remember you are going home with Lily, Albus and James for Christmas, okay.”

  I nodded, “See you when you get back from vacation.”

  Dad smiled and hugged me before letting me go, “Have fun, kid.”

  “I will.”

  I walked away from my parents and went to find my brother who was busy talking with Uncle Harry. I went up to him and smiled at Uncle Harry, “Hey, Uncle Harry.”

  “Hey, D, what’s up?” Uncle Harry asked.

  I shrugged, “Nothing much, saying goodbye to everyone. What about you?”

  “Just talking with Lucius, waiting for Demon to be done helping the kids with their things.”

  I nodded, “Nice,” I hugged Uncle Harry and then turned to my brother, “Well, I’m going to head onto the train, I’ll see you later, okay?”

  Lucius nodded and smiled, “Yeah, of course. I’ll see you at Christmas.”

  “You’re coming home for Christmas this year?” I asked astonished. Ever since Lucius moved to Romania to be a dragon tamer he hasn’t been coming home for Christmas often. Most the time we just send him his presents. Last Christmas I went to his house through Floo Powder and I was there for five minutes before he sent me back. I wasn’t really wanted there last Christmas.

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