Running into People, Like My Mother

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

  I finally did it! I finally finished this chapter that I have been working on for over a month! I'm so sorry it took so long, writer's block sucks! I hope you like this chapter, I know it's kind of boring but I needed something to put up. Also, it's just the first day back at school so nothing major is going to happen to Lily or her friends. Maybe. There's still more yet to come. Hope you enjoy the story!

Love Always,




  The train finally arrived at Hogwarts and I was happy to finally be back. Scorpius and I had fun hanging out together, both feeling free to be ourselves and no one else. We knew once we were back we wouldn’t get the chance to talk about things without the risk of someone overhearing. Even now we have that fear.

  “So, you ready to go back to another year of boredom and classes?” Scorpius looked at me and smiled.

  I laughed, “Only you find Hogwarts boring. I love being here. Don’t you find it romantic?”

  Scorpius looked at me like I had two heads, “Find what romantic? Classes that are specifically made for you to gouge your eyes out of your head?”

  My nose scrunched up at the image that was playing in my mind, “Um, ew that is so not romantic.” I shook my head to get rid of the image and then looked at my cousin. “No, what I meant by romantic was the fact that here, at Hogwarts the place we go to school, is where our parents fell in love with each other.”

  “It’s also here that the Second Wizarding War happened,” Scorpius mumbled. Sometimes he took pleasure in ruining my mood.

  “Oh, please, if it wasn’t for the war, your parents wouldn’t have ever gotten together.”

  “Oh, yeah? What about yours?” Scorpius scowled at me and he looked a lot like his father.

  “Mine too,” I scowled back at him. Sometimes I did act like a Malfoy and my dad wasn’t always happy about it. That is until my mom came along and smacked him upside the head for insulting her family.

  Scorpius laughed, “I forget sometimes that you are actually my cousin. You seem so innocent until you get around me.

  I pout playfully as I pretend to be offended by his comment, “I am innocent. You just corrupt me. I wonder what your parents would say if they knew that you would talk me into sneaking out at night to go up to Hogsmeade and-“

  “Hey! You’re the one that would get me out of bed and trick me into going to Hogsmeade with you in the middle of the night,” Scorpius glared at me as he cut me off.

  I giggled, “I wonder who they would believe, me or you?”

  Scorpius groaned as he knew I was right. All I had to do was bat my eyelashes at our parents and they would believe anything I said to them. I was their sweet innocent angel. I even made babies look like demons.

  I started skipping to the carriages and waited for my brothers and Demon with Scorpius. I was bouncing up and down on the heel of my feet and giggled. Scorpius glared at me before rolling his eyes. It didn’t take long for Demon and my brothers to finally meet up with us and we all got onto the carriage. The carriage started moving, taking us up to the castle. James and Albus were talking to each other and Scorpius and Demon were having a staring contest with each other. I swung my feet back and forth happily as we got closer to the school.

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