My Friend's Story

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

This is a story my friend AidotheIdol. She's been working on this really hard and she gave me permission to post her first chapter on here to see what you guys think. Go ahead and comment what you guys think, it would help her out very much if she had your guys feed back.

Here's the story:

Blue Madness

By: AidotheIdol

"Here take this rose and all your dreams will come true," the stranger smirked as she handed the boy a blue rose.

He took the rose from her shaky hands without a second thought and just like that, the women disappeared with a small chuckle down the dark alleyway. Why did she laugh? he wondered to himself as he walked through the town. It was probably nothing but his imagination. He had a small basket around his arms as he was doing was daily walk and decided to gather supplies for today. He spotted in the corner of his eye a small food stall that was selling some fruits and vegetables. One by one he started picking out some fruits and vegetables to fill his basket, they all looked really delicious and he had a feeling his Master would like them too. He grabbed for the first big apple he could see and as soon as he went to grab it, the man grabbed his wrist harshly.

 "Be careful, young man, there are dangers everywhere," the man said, with fear in his eyes like he had just seen a monster.

 The boy didn't know what to say but just nod his head slightly. The man looked into his eyes before letting go of the boys wrist, so he could put the apple in his basket. This town couldn't get any creepier. First the strange women and now this man. Something was going on but why today of all days? He brushed off the thought and paid the man, before walking off slowly to the next stall for meat. The aura around the place reeked of burning flesh, making him feel sick to his stomach but no matter what, he had to get this meat for his Master.

 "Hey there, what kind of meat are you here for?" the owner said, his eyes moving up and down the boys body.

 "I'm only here for some fresh beef and steaks," he said firmly, not letting the owner's words get to him.

 The man turned around disappointed as he grabbed his sharp knife and slammed it against the table, hacking the meat into pieces. His hands were covered in dried up blood and his clothes filthy but for a job so messy, it was reasonable for him to look like that. He packages up the meat and turns around handing it to the boy.

  "Here's your meat, I hope it serves you well."

 "Thanks," he softly muttered, passing the man some silver coins, before walking off.

 He sighed in relief. Thank goodness I can finally leave this town, I don't know how much more I could take from the smell.

  Leaving the small town that had no name, since it didn't exist to the world anymore, the boy walked up the stone path way to a giant castle. That was where Master lived and where he worked as a servant to care for and make the Master happy. That servant did have name, I should know this since I am that boy. My name is Luke and this is where my story begins. When I was only eight years old, I was brought into the household by Master's father since I didn't have a home and even though it was to be a servant and work for them, I was super happy. This is also when I met Master and I was told to be friends with him, since he was always a loner and wouldn't play with any of the other kids. Master was a little older than me, but age difference didn't bother me at all. But soon after I started to live at the castle and Master only being twelve years old, his father left to go on a trip to Jarro, a country that was near ours but never came back. The carriage his father was on had crashed from the ground being unstable and there were no surviving passengers. At the funeral, his father's casket had blue roses on it. They were so beautiful under the autumn sky, even during the saddest of times.

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