Jerk. Jerk. Jerk.

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Dear Pineapple Pals,
  Sorry it took so long to update. I've been stuck on this chapter. I know I've said it before but I hate writing Lily's chapters. If it wasn't for the fact that she is an important character I'd probably not write her chapters. Oh well, can't do anything about it now. I can't wait to write Albus' next chapter though. I really like writing the boys's chapters. Anyways, I'll let you read now.
Happy readings!
It was Monday morning and I woke up still tired. I didn't sleep very well last night as I was still worried about Scorpius. I knew he was coming back sometime today after being home for a week to help take care of his mother. My own mom had sent me letters talking about some of the things that happened that week. One of which explained how Uncle Draco asked my father to sign papers to take custody of Scorpius should anything happen to him and Aunt Nikki. Mom seemed to be very upset about this and about how Scorpius reacted when he heard Dad talking to Aunt Nikki about it.
I got up out of bed and got dressed, determined to go to breakfast today instead of just laying around until it was time to go to class.
Once I was dressed and my red hair was pulled up into a messy bun, I went downstairs to find Scorpius sitting on the couch looking into the fire. I walked over to him and sat down next him, not saying a word just waiting for him to speak.
He looked at me and sighed, "I'm going to guess you know most of what happened last week."
I nodded, "You know, Daddy was only trying to protect Uncle Draco from doing something stupid."
"He was stressing my mother out. She doesn't need to have that on her. I don't care what his intentions were, he didn't have the right." He scowled at me before looking back at the fire.
"You still could have been nicer."
Scorpius stood up and looked down at me, his blue eyes shining bright with anger. "You, like your mother and father, should stay out of my family's business."
I stood up and out my hands on my hips as I glared back at him, "Excuse you but we are part of your family. Stop acting like we aren't."
He ran a hand through his hair and growled, "God, would you just shut up! You don't know what you are talking about. You didn't see my mother. She cried over me just being home, she doesn't need more stress."
"Than you should have never gone home. You caused her more stress by being home than my father did just by talking to her."
Scorpius's hands clenched into fists as he glared down at me. He opened his mouth to speak when my brother's voice called out, "Watch what you say and do, Scorpius."
James came into the room and came to stand beside me, glaring at Scorpius.
Scorpius let out a huff of air through his nose before turning around and leaving the Common Room heading down to breakfast.
I looked up at James and scowled, "I was handling that just fine, James."
James looked at me and shook his head, "You were goading him, Lily. You know he just got back from seeing his mother and you were upsetting him."
  I looked at my brother shocked, "Excuse you?"
  James glared at me as he crossed his arms, "He's clearly upset, Lily, and who would blame him? His mother is dying and there's nothing he or his father can do about it. Unlike Mom and Dad, Scorpius and Uncle Draco haven't given up hope that Aunt Nikki is going to live."
  "Wait," I looked at my brother confused. I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me. "You think our parents have given up hope?"
  James nodded, "I don't think, I know. You know, Dad writes to me, too. They tell me the harsh reality while they give you the sugared down lies. I'm only telling you this so you'll lay off Scorpius. Aunt Nikki will not survive, Lils. She is going to die."

"Hey, Albus!" I called after my brother as I saw him walking down the hall. He has been distant lately and I want to know if I can talk with him, maybe cheer him up. After what James revealed this morning I figured that's why Albus is so distant.
  I finally caught up to him after chasing him down the hall for a few minutes. I smiled up at my older brother, "Hey, I was calling you."
  "I know," came his short detached response.
  I looked at him concerned, "How you holding up?"
  He didn't even look at me, just responded with, "I'm fine."
  I sighed, "I know you're not fine, Al. Look I know it's hard to accept that Aunt Nikki is dying, but we need to be thee for Scorpius and-"
  Albus stopped dead in his tracks and glared down at me, making eye contact for the first time. "Stop pretending like you know what this is about, Lily. Now if you'll excuse me I've got better things to do than be annoyed by you."
  Albus walked away not sparing me a second glance.

I sat out on the hill that overlooked Hagrid's old hut and sighed. Why is everyone being like this all of a sudden? I guess the stress, but I didn't understand why it was being taken out on me. First Scorpius, then Albus, whose next?
"You're looking like someone came and stomped all over your cheerful mood."
I should know better than to ask whose next. I looked up to see Landon the jerk standing over me, his expression mocking. I sighed, "What do you want?"
  Landon laughed, "You chase me around like a lost puppy and the one time I stop to say hi your all pissy. Sorry, I'll leave you alone, princess."
  Landon turned to walk away and I quickly stood up, calling after him, "Wait! I'm sorry, I've just had a rough day."
  He shrugged and kept walking. "Its alright, princess, it doesn't matter to me."
  I ran after him and kept up by his side. "Why are you calling me princess?"
  He glanced at me and shrugged, "Why do you call me jerk?"
  "Because you are a jerk."
  He laughed and looked down at me, "Same to you, princess."
  I crossed my arms and scowled up at him, "I am not a princess, jerk."
  He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Yes, you are. Look at you, you are given everything and anything you want and if things don't go your way you get mad. You are every inch a princess."
  I stopped walking and grabbed his arm to pull him to a stop. "You don't even know me, so you have no right to say that."
  He looked down at my hand on his arm before glaring at me. "I don't have to know you. You command people to do what you want them to. Look at your hand. You have just commanded me to stop because that's what you want. And if I turn around and walk away you will get mad."
  "That's just being rude if you walk away."
  "No, it's not. It's free will. Maybe I don't want to participate in this conversation, but you grabbing me and pulling me to a stop is you trying to keep me in a conversation I don't want to be in. So if you'll excuse me," he pulled his arm out of my grasp and took a step back, "I'm going to use my free will and walk away from this conversation. Have a good day, princess."
  He turned and walked away from me. I wanted to chase after him and demand we finish the conversation but-
  "Shit..." I do act like a-
  I shook my head and turned to head back to my dorm. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. That's all he is. That's all Scorpius is.  That's all Albus is. They are all jerks. I am no princess. I am no annoyance. And I definitely do not butt in to situations I'm not  apart of. They are all just jerks. All of them.

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