Heartbroken On The Hogwarts Express

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

  It has been so long but I finally am able to upload again! I am so happy to be writing this story. I feel like this break was a good thing because now I have more ideas than I did before. I now know where I am taking this story, where as before I didn't really know. Plus now I feel like I'm having fun writing it. I was having fun writing it before but with work and everything I was just so exhausted that writing was a hard thing. I was pulling doubles and training people, it was hard trying to find time to write. But now, a few months later I am better and feel less stressed out.

  I really enjoyed writing this chapter, it felt real and like I wasn't forcing myself to write it. I always love when I can write something and it just flows out of me almost as if the story is writing itself. It's those stories or chapters that I enjoy the most and feel like they are the best. When I try to force myself to write something it's normally crappy and icky and I feel so disappointed in myself. I don't feel this way with this chapter. I feel this is the best chapter so far.

  I hope you guys like it and everything. Sorry for having kept you guys waiting for so long, it was hard trying to find something to write for this it didn't want to flow, until now. I am happy to be writing again! Also, if you want to have something else to read while I am in between updates, I currently have one other story I am doing updates for. It's called Wolf Love, lame name I know it will be changed once I come up with something better, I promise. It's going to be a short story but don't worry it WILL have a sequal. The sequal is already planned out in my head and I am almost done with the one I am currently working on.

  Well, that's all for now. I hope you guys keep reading my stories! I love and missed you all! Happy Readings!

Love always,


P.S. Yes my name changed sorry if this confused any of you that actually read my authors notes.


  I was walking around the train trying to find my sister. I was trying to stay focused on my task but I kept wondering off to the conversation I had with my dad before I got onto the train. I growled and shook my head, I hated this sometimes. I hated being a Potter. I hated people know who my parents were. I mean, I loved my parents and my whole family, but sometimes it was difficult. I sighed and leaned up against the wall and closed my eyes.

  "Albus, I need you to watch over your sister this year, okay?" Dad's green eyes looked straight into mine and I scowled.

  "Why? Why me? Why do I have to watch over her? She's perfectly capable of handling things herself."

  Dad shook his head, "You're sister is a fragile and emotional, especially now. She's been under a lot of stress this summer and it's taking a toll on her."

  "She has James and Demon to look out for her, she doesn't need me!" I snapped as I glared at my father.

  He sighed and shook his head, "You don't understand, Albus, and you never will until you grow up. The world doesn't revolve around you."

  "No, but it seems to revolve around Lily," I mumbled under my breath.

  Dad glared at me but didn't say anything. I knew he had heard what I said and in some ways I was shocked that he didn't say anything. Of course that was because right after I did Mom came into the room and Dad went over to her smiling and acting like nothing happened. I didn't understand why Lily needed to be protected from the world. Why did the world revolve around her? James and Demon seemed to have understood perfectly, it's like everyone but me was let in on the secret, but I was casted aside like I was nothing.

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