Demon Is In Trouble

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Dear Pineapple Pals,

  Sorry for the delay in the chapter, I've been trying to figure out where to go from the last chapter. Plus, after writing that last chapter I really needed a break. That was a tough chapter to write because I had every intention of leaving it with Nikki being dead. She was going to be dead and that would be it. Done. She would die and Draco would be alone with Scorpius and Alan. However, when I went to end the chapter I felt I couldn't do that. I couldn't kill of Nikki. She is my favorite character and I couldn't, just couldn't do that to Draco.

  Anyways, I've also been busy with work and school so my chapters may take time to be written, but I have no intentions of abandoning this story. I love it too much.

  Okay, I'm done making excuses. After two months wait, here is the next chapter.

Love always,



  Step two: Explain to Mom the situation.

  This step was hard with Christmas and everything that happened with Aunt Nikki. It was a few days before we had to go back to school and Mom just got back home from seeing Aunt Nikki. She was tired so she collapsed into a chair once she took her coat off.

  I went over to sit beside her on the arm of the chair. 

  "How's Aunt Nikki?"

  Mom looked up at me and sighed before running her hand through her blond hair. "She's better. Still not out of the woods. We can't get her blood pressure down and she can't keep any of the food we give her down. She's losing a lot of weight."

  "What's causing this?"

  "We don't know. All she wants to do is sleep. I don't think she understands that she was dead, that her kids almost didn't have a mother. Scorpius can't even get her out of bed or keep her awake. We've tried getting to take care of Alan but she refuses. Says she can't bare to hold him. When she is awake all she does is cry and tell Draco how sorry she is." Mom sighed and rubbed her temples. "I think she's depressed. It's common for mothers to get postpartum depression after their child is born."

  I nodded as I listened to my mother talk. "Would that be why she's got high blood pressure and is vomiting?"

  Mom shook her head. "No, a lot of those symptoms are similar to her condition before she gave birth. She gave birth though so she shouldn't have preeclampsia still."

  "But could she?"

  Mom looked up at me confused. This was not something she had considered. She stood up quickly and grabbed her coat putting it back on. I stood up and looked at her as she rushed to find her wand. "Of course, why didn't I think of that? It's rare, but it can happen."

  I shook my head confused, "What's rare?"

  "Postpartum preeclampsia. It's a rare condition, I've only heard about it once but I never thought that's what could be wrong with Nikki. If that's the case we need to get this figured out quick or else she'll die, and this time she won't wake up. Lily, would you mind coming with me? It might help Scorpius if you were there to help with Alan."

  "What about Uncle Draco?" I asked as I grabbed my sweater.

  "He's been trying, but he's focus is Nikki right now. He's scared if he leaves her she'll die again."

  I nodded as I put my sweater on, "Alright. I'll come."

  Mom smiled at me before pulling me into a hug, "Thank you so much, Lily. You've been a big help."

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