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Dear Pineapple Pals,

  I finally got my laptop! All week I was using this mini little laptop that ran slower than death which is why I didn't even try to update. Anyways, now that my laptop sits back in my lap once again, it seems like a gigantic thing! Like when I say I had a mini laptop it was mini. About the size of a tablet! So yeah, this thing is a monster compared to it!

  Okay, off the tyrant about how big my laptop seems to me. I'm so happy my baby is back! I've missed it. All week I've been forced to write by hand, which I don't mind. Sometimes I like it that way because it forces my mind to slow down and focus on what I'm writing. Anyways, I was working on a new story idea and I want to write a bit more to it before I tell you guys about it. Just to make sure it's a story I want to continue with.

  Now that I do have my laptop back though I will be updating as soon as I get back to writing the story. I'm also looking into buying a new laptop. Not because I hate this laptop because I do, but because I need to have the right programs on my laptop for what I do.

  Don't worry though, I will keep updating!

  Also, coming up soon I will be returning to college. On August 29th I move into my new dorm at my new school. I'm so excited. I hope to have something to post on that day as a special treat. I do hope you understand though that because I am getting ready to move back to school my updates my take longer as I'm going to be busy packing everything. Which reminds me, I should really start packing for school... Eh, that's a tomorrow problem.

  Oh! Before I forget! There was something I wanted to tell you guys!

  Okay, the other day while I was work, this customer comes into my line. I'm a cashier at Hannaford, so I have to be very friendly. I ask these two woman the questions every cashier has to ask. "Hello, how are you today? Did you find everything okay?"

  They say yes and I continue scanning the food. Now, I'm working on the express lane which means I have to be extra careful checking the food because no one is going to be able to double check for me. Well, one of the things of butter-you know the stick butter in the box? Yeah, they had one and it was open. The box itself is open but the butter wasn't. Still, even something as small as that you have to make your customer aware of it.

  So I ask my question, "Ma'am, did you know that the butter is open?"

  The younger of the two glances at me and replied, "No, she didn't."

  I nod and smile at her, "Alright, well would you like a new one?"

  The younger of the two responds again saying no.

  I nod and say okay and continued scanning. I was just about ready to cash them out and the younger woman asks to see the butter. I nod and take it out of the bag and hand it to her. The moment the butter is in her hand she takes off to the back of the store. I look after her confused but shrugged and continued the cash out, thinking maybe she wanted to make sure she got the right one.

  She comes back... Oh my god, she comes back with another thing of butter. It's unopened. The opened one was no where to be found. I look at her confused... "Um, ma'am did you leave the butter back there?"

  She glares at me like I'm a stupid bug crawling across the toe of her expensive high heels. "Yes, I did."

  I just stop and stare at her. What else was I supposed to do? I can't scold her for leaving the butter back there. I can't tell her she's stupid for doing that. It's damaged goods and she just put it back!

  She glares at me before responding again with, "That was probably a stupid idea."

  I shook my head and reply with, "Uh, yeah."

  She glares at me more. Now I'm a cockroach crawling on her high heels instead of an ant. She now wants to stomp on me. This was her attempt, "Oh, well, its not my job to go and retrieve it. It's your job and I'm not going to do your job for you."

  She leaves. I just stand there like, "What the actual fuck!"

  I shrug it off and continue on to the next people in line. Of course, the next people I was ringing up had saw the whole thing. Oh they were amazing! They were laughing and told me they understood my pain, both had been cashiers previously.

  They told me how they were waiting for the woman to apologize to me, but they were shocked they she never did! They got me laughing with the things they were saying.

  It then reminded me of a post I saw on Facebook. It was something like:

  When cashiers go home after work they talk about what happened during their day. They will laugh about the customer who was rude and started yelling. And you will be the joke of the night because you were yelling. Just remember to be nice to your cashier because all you're doing is making a fool of yourself, not the cashier.

  This is so true. Just remember to be kind to your cashier, don't yell and scream or be rude to them. Everyone else around you can see what's going on and trust me-this is from experience-you aren't making the cashier look like an idiot. The only idiot is the person throwing a fit.

  I hope all of you guys enjoyed my little story as I enjoyed telling you guys about it. And I hope all of you will take the time to remember this the next time you see a cashier. Also, if you are in the town of Boothbay the remainder of the summer and you go into the Hannaford there, I'll be there. Come be one of my customers. If I know you are a Pineapple Pal I will treat you very kindly! I'll be the Kayla with blond and blue hair. (We have more than on Kayla in my store. It's annoying).

  Anyways, have a goodnight everyone or a good morning. I'll see you lovely readers next time!

Love always,


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