Chapter Seventeen: "Fate, I dare say"

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Warning(s): a/b/o, torture detail, death

Disclaimer: Merlin is not mine unfortunately

Bold is the Alpha voice being used.

Italics in "quotations" is past words or words that are being read in the person's head/thoughts.

Author's Note: three chapter's left folks...

this one's a sad boy :)

It was glorious.

The light from Merlin's being shone hopelessly, it almost seemed everlasting and consistent, a perfect taste of bittersweet. There was no other way to describe Merlin's perfect demeanor, how calm he appeared, how he felt. Arthur could almost see his energy... The amount that became clear now, soft and idiotic Merlin was actually the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the Earth and he couldn't believe it. His best friend. After all this time too... It was difficult enough to believe that he was an Omega and actually, in fact, grew up in a Druid camp (nevermind being a great sorcerer) but now... Here he was, making his mark and engraving the historical moment in within Camelot's old stone.

Marry him.

Merlin declared that he would marry the Prince, he told that to the people very clearly, it seemed that they all believed that too. In fact, Arthur had also. Their relationship was forbidden, and he knew that, but Merlin's uplifting words completely shook him down to his core, he looked up to him like a god for a moment and couldn't help but realise how different they were. Merlin was supposed to be a servant, yet he wasn't, he was a much more significant piece of the chess board than Arthur ever was, he was a powerful sorcerer, what else was there to say? It was extraordinary.

So as the blasts of pure magic shakened the room, Arthur flinched and scooted away, staggering to his feet as he scurried off for somewhere to hide, at least out of road from the blasts. Just as he was running off, he paused at the sight of a dagger on the ground. Biting his lip and getting to his knees, somehow managing to twist the blade and slice through the restraints, he pulled the metal chains off his body, throwing them to the side and rising as he looked around to his people. It seemed he was easily caught by Morgana's men...

All of them, one by one, began to catch a glimpse of Arthur's task on freeing the village folk and ordering them to get out of the throne room.

The black-cloaked figures roared and stormed towards him. Arthur's ears almost deaf to the stampede of men, seeing as Morgana and Merlin were at an eternal and all too over powering battle with one another. Merlin clearly having the upper hand due to his stupendous status. The Prince eyed the characters closely, using the dagger he had to efficiently stab the first warrior that crossed his path, to which he then stole the sword from his corpse and continued his fight.

Arthur's bones were weak, and yes he was tired but he was exhilirated too. The thrill of knowing he stood some sort of chance with Merlin by his side pushed him further than it ever could. There was a new found encouragement inside that he couldn't contain, cutting open the flesh of every villainous character he encountered... It wasn't until a familiar face came into view that he paused a moment, losing his stance.


Over the cackled fighting of two sorcerers, he saw Mordred's features morph into morbid hatred and disgust. Usually, he was so simple, his face read one of content but purpose. This time, it was almost as if he had a spell casted apon him, he looked so... Ill.

"Arthur Pendragon!"

The bellowing voice of a once dearly beloved child swallowed the loud room, making Arthur clench his jaw and raising his sword once again.

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