Profile: Jinx

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Name: Powder
Alias: Jinx
History: came from the undercity a very violent part of villain and hero society, most villains come from here due to the heros and government negligence of them, she is a highly smart individual who had it even more difficult than most from the undercity due to the quirkless status she held, she had her sister Violet who she nicknamed VI, she was the leader of a band of misfits which included herself, powder, clogger, and mylo, later becoming abandoned by her sister, driven insane by several factors and being taken in by Silco created Jinx
Arcane Talent: None
Intellectual Power, she is incredibly smart being able to create weapons and prepare for almost everything, while she may not have any power she is capable of enhanced hearing, sight, touch, thought, smell, and taste making her a impossible to fight or find ghost

Shimmer, a compound resource used to keep her alive after being injected with it she gained a sort of super speed, super strength, and super Intelligence for as long as this is active however it drains her of her stamina, strength, speed, and intelligence for a while but after a cool down period is returned to before she used it, added with her already enhanced things which have been further enhanced by shimmer it makes her unstoppable, the only telltale that she is using it is the glimmering red eyes she gains for that period of time, she is capable of using this for days on end without break, it also enhances her stamina, speeds the healing process, and durability

Family: Violet (sister, Imprisoned), Powder (herself, deceased), Jinx (herself, living), Vander (adoptive father, deceased), Mylo (adoptive brother, deceased), Clogger (adoptive brother, deceased), Caitlin (Violets Girlfriend, living), Silco, (adoptive father, deceased), Kai (biological father, deceased) meli (biological mother, deceased)

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