Chapter 12: the Friend of A Jinx

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/|\POV Jinx
/|\AGE 18

Well I had left the building with everything to find Izuku however that was before I left the building and heard a collapsing noise after a loud gunshot had sounded

In curiousness I decided to check it jumping and hopping to it I ran into the dark of the alley way to the mystery of it all I soon found a familiar green patch of hair belonging to a body


Now this is what shocked me to my core and believe you and me I'm not shocked or scared that easily, memory quickly flash's over to the several times she has been scared of things like blood, guns, explosions, the colour blue, etc I shook certain thoughts out of my head and quickly began draggging a quietly mumbling Izuku..

What does this mean now? Is he my.. my Izuku or.. does he know me.. my name from somewhere else.. did Vi tell him.. did he know Vi.. oh god did he know Vi

I dragged him over to the building quickly using my hideout exit getaway thingy bringing him to the safest place I could imagine possible

/|\POV Izuku
/|\AGE 18

My consciousness was quickly pulled back into reality and the land of the living when someone jabbed me full of chemicals I could tell or rather I could feel it happening inside me


I looked around to find a toy monkey in my lap just sitting there.. this looks like the exact one Powder had.. powder.. she's alive.. so is Vi.. but Vis with an Enforcer I'll find them at some point soon

???: *blowing air* uhh Hi

I heard a feminine voice called out a rather confident, yet familiar voice.. no way is it that girl from progress day? The one I bumped into by accident

I still had on the cloths and some of the tools I had earlier, I also had blood on it though there was no wound must've been repaired by the voice

I continued looking around finding the originator of the voice

Me: ah yes hello.. mind telling me why I'm tied u—

Before I took a closer look she looked.. like.. Powder.. no way it's powder I found, I had found her.. oh Jesus she's changed so much..  I know a few tears were shed

Me: Pow.. *crying* Powder?

I started smiling happy I found her not really caring of what the current situation is just I found her.. well she found me

???: it's.. Jinx now

She had sadly said but she came closer and out a hand onto my face rubbing my cheek

Me: oh whatever happened powder.. whatever happened to plus.. the group.. everything used to be so simple

I continued to use her birth given name, though I suppose I should get used to her new name soon

Jinx: uhm.. Vi happened to me..

I nodded a tiny bit knowing some of the story though not the entire story.. but I presume because powder was there.. had accidentally blown up the building due to her good will and spirit

Jinx: she.. she.. she left me..

She seemed to tear up a bit.. clearly sad.. clearly angry.. conflicting with lots of emotions, she climbing into me lap legs either side of me and hugged me, I blushed obviously especially since I had a crush on her ever since I was little

Jinx: can.. can I stay like this for a moment

I was a little shocked for bit.. but it made sense she didn't seem to have the best mentality for a while.. for a very long while

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