Chapter 9: Distraction Taken Care Of

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/|\POV Servika
/|\AGE 44

Silco ordered me to do something again.. though I suppose I do agree with it quite a bit removing him.. would increase Zauns chances, though Silcos reasons?

I get my revenge also so it isn't too bad.. I get to take Violet out of this world I will kill her if it's the last thing I do

That enforcer will die along side her if that's what she so wishes for

I went back to the place I had been thrashed around and ordered my men and women of Zaun to investigate and find Violet, and the Enforcer

We had all been looking and as I looked my mind wandered back to the time I spent with Silco

Me: she's back, Violet that is

Silco looked at me strangely, well that isn't surprising since..

Silco: isn't she dead, how can the dead come back

I shrugged my shoulders, he didn't doubt a thing I had said to him there

Me: I don't know all I know is I just got my ass handed to me and then my arm was shot up

I gestured to my arm, the arm I got for saving him and because of Jinx's first working explosion it was incredibly strong though not surprising since an arcane Crystal had been used

Silco: I want you to take care of 3 people for me, no telling Jinx either, grabbing contract for them Violet, and the Enforcer, kill the enforcer she isn't needed, and kill Izuku Midoriya he'll be easy enough to find he's without enforcers in the undercity

Shortly after my arm was fixed up quickly by Jinx I never did like her, she was too smart, too crazy.. to much

She never did benefit Zaun yet Silco believes she is vital to its success, every time she asked his spine bends and falters giving her what she wants her simple whims fulfilled

I sighed continuously looking for them the enforcer while not strong or quick is a good shot proven by the agile eye she has

Vi got better throwing stronger, better, quicker, hits she is probably like Vander would've been at her age, the complete opposite of her sister likely taking Silcos role when he was her age though maybe not crazy

Izuku Midoriya while I did agree with the kill contract I was curious as to the exact reason Silco wants him dead.. he may be if more use alive to Zaun than dead

Man1: hey nothing over here

My man called out and soon later the rest called out that there was no sign of them.. never was and anything that could've been has blown over..

They sure do know how to cover their tracks.. amazing really..I'll go for Izuku first he'll be the easiest to find though he's not priority I can tell

I went through the undercity getting information from various sources like bars, casinos, housing, hotels, etc

Turned out he had been quite busy someone matching his description had been able to defeat 10 guys, go to a shimmer production factory, for some reason pay respects to Vander, Benzo, and the kids from that day, and go home, though no one knew where from

And he was using the name nouâ - it means 9 in another language, and people are calling him the "clan shimura ghost" and "all he needs is a single touch and boom dead" or that was how someone put it to me

I travelled around looking for housing he could be using which am wasn't easy the undercity is quite big and in return has quite plentiful rooms to be used for staying

Here for research? What could he be researching.. Jinx isn't the only one he distracts, or rather fascinates it's just too bad he got Jinx's attention

I heard he's about the same age as...her..

Wait does Jinx like someone like.. like like.. damn suppose she is just another person just one with less sanity isn't that right

Man2: so why are we going after him?

I looked to my side as me and my men had taken a rest for while until we continued the search for him, quite difficult to track down apparently

Me: well he had gathered attention that's for sure everyone knows that

Similar agreements and shouts of things as we had all known how he had been able to impress Piltover and the majority with his revolutionary ideas with hex tech and without hex tech

Me: well he's gathered too much attention from Jinx making Silco believe he needs to be removed for Zauns secure future

They nodded slowly knowing what Silco will do for Zaun.. though I had my doubts.. still do really, could he sacrifice everything to pursue Zauns Independence... sacrifice his money.. his status.. his respect.. his future.. his life..

That's something I don't believe he could do.. though I still follow him because I believe he can do most of everything since.. according to some famous guys words - "there's a price for everything"

Don't know who that guy is but after a few drinks me and my guys were back up exploring our last place to explore

Guess it's time to go through houses and buildings.. I wonder if he'll still be there or not but at least we know he's in the undercity.. searching topside and botttom would be pretty difficult especially with Hex-Gate restrictions

Babette gave him information I'm sure of it, I'll have to ask about it.. though she might have a private conversation with each visitor.. what could he possibly need to know if he knew where the shimmer factory was

Does he need to find someone in the undercity? He seems to have been all over the place with irregular visits and times and runs around he travels quickly..

It's like he's been here before.. must've been unofficial visits or something from house Midoriya fancy ass shit gets to come and go as he pleases

Pisses me off a little bit actually, I had been lost in thought before I heard a "FOUND HIM" we all ran into the direction and saw him running across the rooftops

He was fast as fuck he chased fire lights it seemed as I saw the blazing green trails they left behind

We all ran with our guns and knives chasing after him he was faster than us so I had to think, think better than he can

Rooftop! Sniper I have it I just need to get there running, scaling, climbing, and going to the roof I managed to get there and see him and I pulled my sniper out and placed it down aiming waiting for my shot and..............

Bang Bang Bang Bang before he drops and goes down the ally way he was about to jump over to continue chasing the fire lights

With a job well down I began leaving my position on the roof and ran away going back to base for a report onto Silco

Well find them it'll be better to do it this way anyways Silco gets to see to it personally as well they just don't realise how big this hole they dug them selves in is

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