Chapter 16: fire lights inventor

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/|\POV Cautlyn
/|\AGE 32

I had woken up blind folded and bagged tied up to a tree before I felt hands and someone else groaning and waking up I was a little furious and now was allowed to be so

Me: your sister is jinx! When were you planning on telling me that little secret!?

I had yelled at her before she had retorted at me for being a hypocritical bitch

Vi: yea well when we're you going to tell me what were you after, and what that blue stone is?!

I shut up knowing I shouldn't say anything as it had been true that I wasn't going to tell her anything about the arcane gemstone

Before men started to come and take us away from each other dragging us in different directions

Me: get your hands off me!

I had been moving about struggling to get out of their death grip dragging me in some direction before being plopped down on a stool

???: thank you sero, Denki, wait why has she still got the stupid bag in her head it's not fuckn necessary you fuckn idiots

I recognised the voice speaking and do when the bag was torn off my head by the voice I looked at him, I surprisingly recognised him

???: heya how you doing Caitlyn

Izuku midoriya what the hell are you doing here.. I thought he was performing research in the undercity.. as a trusted scientists and inventor

Izuku: well this is pretty awkward anyways I should properly introduce myself Izuku Midoriya, is my first name but my second one is Izuku Shimura

My mouth was left open pure shock had slapped me in the face as I felt myself be untied

Me: w-what.. how.. who.. huh?!

I kept thinking and thinking and thinking and the only conclusion I got was he had betrayed us

Izuku: now before you start speaking let me say things like yes I'm from the underground you know this much, however the fire lights but not so much, but in short a friend runs it and I do help him with tools so the boards, the weapons, the lay out, tactics, etc I do all the planning

I had been ultra confused at this he had been doing so much more than I actually thought he had been throughout this entire time, this was more than shock it was a whole as storm hitting me

Izuku: and yes I've been helping them however their goal isn't to hurt Piltover it's to hurt Silco, he isn't exactly pure in soul, he's killed a lot of the undercity inhabitants even I was almost killed by him before Heimerdinger found me and saw my potential

/|\POV Izuku
/|\AGE 18

I saw her face go from one emotion to the next in such painfully clear detail it was so obvious sometimes

Caitlyn: so let me get this straight your friends with the leader of the fire lights, someone enforcers want to take down, and you feed them plans, and designs for pretty much everything, and your name is really midoriya, but it is also really Shimura-

I recounted everything before she continued a few more words

Caitlyn: all because you want to hurt-

I cut her off here as I needed to make this painfully clear

Me: kill, ruin, destroy, obliterate, those words but not ever hurt

She coughed before continuing with her talking

Caitlyn: -because you want to kill Silco?

I nodded at this as it was 100% true in my head

Me: well firstly I should say enforcers killed my family, threatened the second one, then powder accidentally killed the majority of it, the only survivors being me, vi, Ekko and powder herself

She shook her head so she needed to understand a few more things it appeared

Caitlyn: so what did you know that I would need to know that I didn't know

I nodded knowing this would eventually be one of the questions asked

Me: a few things like the "great conspiracy" fits with Silco being the centre, shimmers originator, the murder of the "Hound Of The Undercity" of whom is Vander, my father and killed by Silcos indirectly, and I saw jinx at progress day, though at the time I didn't realise it

She held her mouth agape in absolute shock it seemed though it was a lot to take in all at once, though it made sense I did always feign disinterest in the great conspiracy and several other things

Me: Oh! Before I forget when you go infront of the council take this

I quickly pulled out a octagon shaped box powered with shimmer, clearly seen by the purple lines across it, it had a black and gold design one of Silcos colours I believe

I held it out infront of her as she slowly took it confused a little which I get

Me: when you get to the council to explain your theory now fact with this and will get the council to push for peace faster... we'll I hope so anyways

She was confused how was this going to prove a theory simply impossible it was and it didn't shock her much as I did say some things which seemed irrational

Me: also don't activate it until you get to the council as it has only one activate until it breaks and no longer works so be careful

/|\POV Caitlyn
/|\AGE 32

So he's giving me info about him, something to convince the council - that they should push for peace.. or whatever that is

Me: hold on so you know what Silco is after right- wait you don't even know Jayce is on the council! Do you!?

I had perhaps screamed a little too loudly considering the situation

He paused for a moment before grabbing the thing and sticking a screwdriver and working on it

Izuku: I hadn't.. no I hadn't known that, and yes I do know what he's after an in very short it's the independence of what he likes to call Zaun, but it is known as the undercity

I paused for moment before it's being handed back to me

Me: mind if we hang out for a bit here.. it's been a while anyway

I had always admired Izuku he was smart, strong, fast, he was the ideal figure my parents would want for a child yet I wasn't that, he was everything I couldn't be and more.. so I became friends with him and found out it was just because he was born physically and mentally ahead of everyone else

Izuku: sure let's go to that club we have here

We headed down and hung out we had so much fun - hoverboarding, singing, dancing, sparring, darts, racing, and so on

Me: so where's Vi

He stopped for a minute looking at the sun seemingly to tell the time which I always found bizarre

Izuku: should be here any minute.. now

Soon after while I breathed heavily after having so much fun with him I heard a-

???: Hey zuzu, and Cait seems like your well aquatinted with each other

I nodded and he nods

Izuku: I presume he's explained and told you exactly who I am

She nodded

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