Chaoter 7: 6/VI

279 6 1

/|\POV Caitlyn
/|\AGE 31

As I remembered a lesson from a very wise enforcer one we lost so long ago..

Grayson: ...what are you shooting for?

I looked at the inmate after they had stopped punching the wall and began pacing around their cell, in a threatening manner, as I stood back in safety behind the red line painted

Me: I took a look at your file there's no record of you or your file

She seemed unfazed by anything I said, and the unusual tone she replied back with caught me off guard a bit

516#: my sunny personality

She glided through her cell, replying in a "happy" tone though I do believe she had been using sarcasm

Me: you attacked an inmate. Why?

She didn't really care but she lost the happy hour lucky tone she had and started a darker one

516#: why not?

"Why not" the words I didn't want to hear or something that required an explanation it was plain stupid to reply with that

Me: he was a witness in an ongoing investigation, *sigh* this is a waste of time

I began to leave before she replied with a simple

516#: hey, give Silco a kiss on that winning eye of his, will you?

Turning back around and heading towards the front of her cell, yet a shin after sighing not liking the repetition of this so far

Me: Silco? The industrialist?

I threw the question out in the open to see the reply but I didn't really get one

516#: okay this is getting old can you just send in whoever's gonna kick the shit out of me so I can get on with my night?

I didn't like the sound of it but I don't really think anyone did, I stepped right up against the cell and showed her a few pictures in the file I held

Me: does this mean anything to you?

She stopped pacing and looked at the file looking at the pictures before she leaped towards the bars slamming her hands against them, scaring me

516#: where did you get this?

Looking up at me and looking back at them

Me: my question first. He worked for Silco?

She seemed to not really care and continued to look at the photos, or rather evidence

516#: uh, they all do, how can anyone not know that? Where did you find this?

Her rhetorical question quickly followed up by the actual question in mind

Me: there was an attack, this is evidence, I'm going to need proof of I'm to believe what you're saying about Silco

She scoffed at you, though she didn't seem in the joking mood right now

516#: I could get it for you, just not from in here

Leaning her head against the bars of her cell, looking pretty tired

Me: In what mad world would I trust someone like you

She scowled at me when I had said that

516#: someone like me? You enforcers are all the same just asshole criminals in fancy uniforms

She gave up talking to me there

516#: you know what find Silco yourself

I decided to leave it at that and leave

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