Chaoter 23: Jinxes Ears

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/|\POV Jinx
/|\AGE 18

After waking up from my had been very unconscious state I remember seeing Izuku.. and Silco.. fighting against each other before running away faster than I ever had ran away - after knocking out the doctor first

It confused me but I got the basics grasped pretty soon and deciding to have our selves a little ol' yea party it'll be.. fun~

I ran around visiting my dear sister first.. deciding I should listen to her words first - well without her knowledge of me hearing them

Vi: ohh when did things go to shit.. was it when.. I.. did that.. or was it Vander and Silco?

I looked confused I could tell, but who wouldn't how the hell did she know about them too.. so I peered into the room to see her holding a recorder with the title "V&S🔪"

Now it made sense she had taken something from somewhere and listened to it explain their relationship

Vi: they were like brothers? Damn.. history repeats itself..

History did in fact repeat itself the half dunked into water were both betrayed by the other half of this

I ran into the room silently but swiftly up behind her as she got herself another drink at the bar she had been sitting at

Me: Bravo, sister..

I struck the back of her head leaving her unconscious and dragged her back to the place I had set up for a confrontation in case it was needed.. not that Silco ever knew of its existence

I then moved onto Vi's little pretty girlfriend, Caitlyn, an piltie, Enforcer, and councillor daughter.. the very thing I hate most.. hell Ekko probably had some difficulty swallowing down his own words with her

I decided to fuck around with her for a minute so as she showered.. standing there.. weird but okay.. I drew some picture in the mirror thanks to the steam and had kept redrawing it until she was coming it

After a few minutes using my new found speed a zoomed over to another spot in the corner of the shower room, can't even call it a bathroom since half of it is shower and the other half is toilet and sink in like a 30x20 space

She started to dry her self off before seeing the picture I had put onto her bathroom mirror seeing it as a warning and that I am here which was.. delicious to watch

So just before she turned round I swiftly - well swifter than usual - knocked her out also bringing her to my hiding little special confrontation area giving her a special chair with wheels and binding her mouth, hands, and feet to it

This time it was dear ol' dads turn - Silco - which was more difficult than I'd like to admit to find.. but he had been drinking next to Vanders Statue.. his own brothers statue

I began to listen upon his very idle words said to his dearly departed brother and my.. previous father - adoptive but still.. a father none the less

Silco: is there anything as undoing as a daughter.. Brother..

He took a sip of whatever he had as I hid behind the statue of my deceased adoptive father before Silco.. before really anything I am now.. other than Powder..

Silco: you were right.. at what cost would I be willing to pay for Zaun..

He poured his drink into the pool under the statue where he "paid" his respects

Silco: for the gemstone, prevention of shimmer, and.. finally the thing they want most?... Jinx

I felt my heart practically stop for a moment he'll give me up.. he's going to abandon me again! I'm not being left alone again! Not ever again!

I quickly took him after he collapsed from drinking - not that I've ever seen him this drunk.. oh well he was going to abandon me! What does it matter!

I took him back to the spot seeing both the enforcer and Vi unconscious still! It's been about an hour or two

Before tying him up similarly to Her.. I pretty much growled before stopping myself reminding myself to pick up one more person

So speeding round to find out where he could've gone.. as Silco had been pretty beat up and it's been a while not to mention the statue isn't too far from where he had been

Soon ending up at my hideout knowing he had managed to escape from here I heard him speaking seemingly to himself so I hid up on the roof crawling through the rafters I had

Going from bar to bar swinging and jumping across, I managed to see him with a picture with all of us Vi, me, Ekko, Mylo, himself and Claggor reminiscent of it all desiring a back then, the good old days

Izuku: ..where are you powder?..

Saddened that I had upset him.. I did hate it.. the way his voice would break.. the way he'd tear up.. the frown thats adorned onto his face.. the way he seemed to slink down further into the chair seemingly melting into it

It was sad to see him this way.. I wonder he works as a midoriya in Piltover why? Did he just get a better life and tried for it? Keeping in contact with Ekko..

His body slumped down further into the chair nearly slipping out of the very chair he rested in peaceful almost though I knew otherwise he was being mentally tortured over all of this

As he slipped into unconsciousness I slowly stepped into the light seeing him rest as peaceful as he is now is nice.. it reminds me of back then when.. I-I-I kissed him

Blushing and quickly hiding my face though no one could see me, not to my knowledge at least and then so scooping him up as peaceful and undisturbing as possible that I could do and walking over to my special confrontation place

Slowly making my way over to the place and keeping my pace slow as I carried him to the place.. readying myself for the talk the 5 of us are likely going to have

I made my way through the place slinking my way through the shadows disappearing from place to place swiftly despite carrying the peaceful Izuku towards the place and soon arriving to the place where it all goes down

So after softly laying him into the chair and kissing his forehead and lips quickly pecking them after blushing that is

I tied him down to the chair softly than I did anyone else, he may be able to get out once awake I even then went to gag him like I had done to the others - except Vi..

So wheeling him to the dark where no one would really notice him properly until I wheel him over which I'll do after knowing who I'll be.. whether I am Jinx.. or whether I'll be the Powder Vi wants me to be again

After preparing that I made my work cooking, and upgrading my little rocket launcher, ready to cause some major damage

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