Ch2. Butterflies

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After Y/n getting dried up.
Steven, y/n and Spinel spent the afternoon laughing, playing, watching movies, and etc.

Eventually Steven had to bring Spinel back to the diamonds.

"So soon? But I wanna stay!" Spinel whined clinging onto Y/n.

"I'm sure the Diamonds are missing you. You can come another time. Or Y/n and I can stop by tomorrow. Also Y/n looks really tired" Steven said looking at y/n.

"I didn't get any sleep" y/n commented leaning her head on Spinel's shoulder.



"Oh my god..well you are getting sleep tonight. Sleep here for now while I bring spinel back" Steven said leading Y/n to the couch and settled her down.

Y/n hummed in response and cuddled a pillow.

Spinel just smiled at Y/n action.

"Come Spinel. You'll see her tomorrow okay?" Steven said holding her hand.


With that they returned to Home-world, greeted by furious Diamonds.


"So they got mad? Why didn't you tell them, spinel was coming over?" Y/n asked eating cereal.

"Because I didn't think they'd get that mad!" Steven complained.

"Hopefully Spinel is alright" y/n said stuffing another spoon of cereal into her mouth.

"Well Connie is coming over later to come with us to home-world" Steven said.

"Connie? Yay!" Y/n said getting up and went to wash her plate.

"Let me guess. The gems are at little home-school?" Y/n asked.


"Well why don't we go hang out together like old times! To pass the time" y/n suggested throwing her arm over his shoulders.

"That's not a bad idea! Let's go then!"

"Connie!" Y/n cheered embracing Connie with a hug.

"Hey guys! Did I make it on time?" She asked.

"Actually a bit early but we can go now" Steven said.

"Alright. Let's go then" Connie said getting a hold of my hand.

"It's been a while since I've been on home-world" y/n said getting off the warp pad.

"It seems..different" y/n said remembering the last time she was here.

"Steven!" White shouted.

The three teens turned seeing white walking over to them and kneeled down.

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