Ch12. Ball

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"Gosh, there is a lot of gems were you able to handle it?" Spinel commented.

"Well I just sat on that throne and observed, it wasn't fun. But good thing yours is different. God why isn't y/n here?.." Steven answered running a hand in his hair.

"Should you go check on earth?"

"No, no. They'll be here soon...maybe"

Spinel sighed.

"Hey Steven,"


Spine blushed "ya Never mind, forget it. It wasn't important"

Steven smiled "you'll get all the love and affection from Y/n when she arrives" He cooed.

The blush on Spinel's cheek grew.

"Oh! More gems arrived! Gotta greet them!"


"Y/n! Come on!" Connie shouted already on Lion.

"Wait! I'm trying—here! Okay. How do I look? Terrible right"

Connie laughed "you look outstanding y/n. Now come on. I bet they're really worried"

"Yep! I made a big scene. How did you talk me into this?"  Y/n questioned hopping onto Lion.

"I talked you into this? I'm sure you just wanted to see Spinel again"

Y/n groaned blushing "I've known her for a few months and you guys think I'm in love with her? Come on Connie, a human and gem? I bet she doesn't feel the same.." y/n said holding onto Connie.

"A human and gem could happen! And you aren't fully human. Remember?"

"But still, you and Steven is understanding 'cause he's half human. Anyways let's stop talking, let's go"

"Alright, hold on"


"Greetings my spinel! It's a pleasure to meet you!" A sapphire said.

"It's a pleasure to me ya too" spinel said smiling.


What are you doing

Stop thinking of Y/n

Spinel pull it together

You in love with her?

Open your eyes, she isn't coming—

"Woah! Sorry!"

Spinel turned seeing Lion coming out of a portal and landing on a table.

Y/n laughed "nice parking Lion"

Y/n got off and help Connie down "your majesty"

"Oh hush"

𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨  {𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙡 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧}✔️Where stories live. Discover now