Ch18. Time

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Hi Narrator here. Sorry for the late update. I've been publishing for other books I have. Anyways.

Skip to Laz has gotten her memories back and has reformed.

Y/n still with Cora and Laz.

Not on earth.

Back on earth Steven has tried to keep Spinel company with the Diamonds.

But going back with the diamonds seem as a bad decision.

They keep treating her as if she is Pink Diamond so things haven't been great.

Things with Y/n haven't been too great either.

Cora only wants Y/n to finish what y/n's mother started.

Cora wants Y/n to reach her full potential as half a gem.

Not using the help of Nel.

With this Y/n has been pushing herself too much.

Laz by her side helping and doing whatever she can.

But the only thing on her mind is getting home and living normally like she has for the past years.

But every time she thinks of Beach City Spinel obviously pops in her head.

"Y/n? Are ya okay?"

Y/n turned her head imagining it was Spinel but it was Laz.

"I'm..fine yeah" y/n said and turned to face her hands.

"You Miss that Spinel huh?" She questioned.

"Pfft Miss her? No not at all! Why would you.."

Laz gave her a 'really?' Face.

Y/n groaned and slumped her face into her hands.

"You got me I do..But she rejuvenated you!—"

"But I'm back no? And I'm reformed! Isn't that good? Why have hatred for her if I'm back? She was just worried. I know. I was worried too but I saw how determined she was to get you back. I'm not 100 percent sure but she might feel something towards you" Laz said looking at the sky.

Y/n's face turned red.

"But she's a gem—"

"So what Y/n!? I can tell she loves and doesn't want to lose you. I bet she felt like she lost you when you left"

A guilt built up in Y/n's heart.

"It's been a while huh? Oh god I feel terrible!"

"Oh Y/n!~"

Y/n groaned as she turned to see Cora.

"No. My body aches. I already wore out all my energy Cora"

Cora shrugged.

"You have to wore out all of your energy Y/n—"

"Ugh why!? I don't even know why I'm still here. Why do you even want me here!? I know you are just using me just like how my my used me—Augh!?"

"So what? You are a good use to me. I can't let you leave me again. Beside doll. Who would want you back? After the damage you did when you returned back to earth. Why would they want you back after that? So quit whining and pull yourself TOGETHER"

Cora had Y/n by the neck and threw her to the ground.

"Don't make me do this again"

Y/n began to cough and held her throat

"Cora!? What the heck!? You are going to far!"

"You want to be next!?—Gah!?" Cora shouted and got hit in the face with Y/n's shield.

"You brought this on yourself.."

"Uno" Amethyst said smirking.

"She has a blue" Spinel said.

"Hey! That's cheating!"

"Good thing I have a wild card" Steven said.

"No! I haven't won in a while!" Amethyst whined.

"You'll win eventually" Garnet said.

"You always win!" Amethyst said.

Garnet chuckled.

Then she stopped.

"Amethyst I suggested you move 7 steps to the make that 8"

"Huh why?"

"Do it!"

Amethyst scrambled next to Spinel then the Warp pad went off.

Revealed Laz tripping with Y/n's arm over her shoulder.

Badly injured.

Laz was out of breath.

Steven's eye widened and ran up to them helping Y/n.

"W-what happened!?" Steven questioned.

"You gotta heal her. She can't heal herself, Nel got taken away!" Laz said shaking.

Steven took Y/n into his arms and gently placed her on the couch.

"Gee she looks awful..Imma get the first-aid" Amethyst said walking to the bathroom.

Spinel walked over to Laz.

"What happened to her!? Did you do this? Huh!?"

"W-what!? No! Why are you assuming!? I would never do this to her! I brought her here cause I knew Steven has healing powers" Laz talked back.

"Don't you have I don't know, healers over where you came from!?I bet you are using her just to plan or do something here" Spinel yelled.

"Aren't you glad she is here!? What if she died!? Huh? How'd you feel? You didn't want her here? Aren't you glad you are seeing her again!?" Laz shouted pointed to Y/n.

"Hey! Enough both of you. You both love Y/n? Then stop arguing and be more concerned of her state" Garnet said patting their heads.

Laz and Spinel blushing by Garnet's comment.

"Oh my god..Jeez this is a big cut.." Steven muttered.

"I got the first-aid!" Amethyst said.

"We're gonna need bandages..a lot"

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