Ch8. Control

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Steven and Y/n spent the day together and it actually made Steven better.

The following day Steven's powers had gotten worse so he decided to see the diamonds for help.

Y/n went along so Steven won't be alone.

Also to see spinel.

"You think..they'll help..?" Steven asked walking up the stairs to the main entrance.

"Well your powers are associated with Pink no? So pink was a diamond. So they'll have to help" y/n answered.

"I'd preferred to come alone but..I'm glad you came" Steven said smiling.

"Don't mention it. I'll always be here for you. That's how it's been for 8 years" y/n smiling.

"Now let's go see what's going on with you"

The two teens walked in seeing gems around admiring the diamonds thrones.

"I wonder where they could be.." y/n muttered.


As y/n was about to turn to who was calling her name she was embraced with a hug.

It was spinel.

"I've missed you!" Spinel cheered squeezing Y/n.

Y/n wrapped her arms around Spinel.

"H-hey spinel! I've miss you too!"

"So what ya two doing here?" Spinel question looking behind Y/n noticed Steven.

"Well Steven has been a bit out of control with his diamond powers and he—we want to know if the diamonds could help him"  y/n explained.

"My body as been swelling up and I've been glowing pink.." Steven adds.

"Oh! If your having trouble with you physical form I know which diamond you need to see! Come on!" Spinel pulled Steven and Y/n to Yellow.

"Steven! Wait up!"

Y/n stumble down the stairs a bit.

Going with the diamonds wasn't a great idea.

"Steven! Don't you dare leave!"

Well he warped away.

"Uh..I'll be back another time! Bye!"

The warp pad activated.

"Steven left is foot thingy" spinel commented.

"I hope I didn't say or do anything wrong..oh I possibly did!" White cried out cover her face.

"Calm down , White. I'm sure Steven knows you tried to help. We weren't much help.." yellow said comforting White.

"Should we go apologize? For not being much help?" Blue question.

"I believe that's a good idea" yellow stated.

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