Ch13. Unexpected Guest

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"Steven! I don't want to sound annoying but you gotta make up!"

"After everything? How can we!?—"

"Oh Steven come on! Stop saying those things! I know you want to make up! And she wants too as well!"

Steven stood there his back facing Y/n.

"Steven stop being so difficult.."

"Ugh..what are you even talking about! Why can't you just stop butting into my problems"

Y/n paused.

Steven then quickly turned around "I didn't mean that! It slipped out!"

"Did I say shit when you butted in my fucking problems! I'm trying to help you! Why don't you acknowledge that you need help! And why can't you face that you want to see Connie!"
Y/n shouted her cheeks glowing pink.

"Y/n I—"

"I'm sorry for TRYING to fixing your problems! Fine! I guess it's different when other people try and fix your problems.."

"No Y/n I'm sorry!"

Y/n kept walking.

Steven behind her shouting her name.

Y/n had her hands into fist.

Eventually Nel came out stopping Y/n.

"Y/n come on you gotta—"


Y/n pushed Nel out of the way.

Nel's eyes widened seeing Y/n's pupils were glowing white.

Y/n kept walking ignoring them.

"Nel I'm sorry I—"

"She forgives you.." Nel muttered, eyes widened.


"Her pupils..were glowing..shit not again, Steven come on!" Nel shouted and ran off trying to catch up to Y/n.

"The ball is almost over..where's Y/n and Steven?" Spinel questioned sitting up on the Throne.

"Probably having a discussion" Jasper chirped.

"It's been a while.."

"I'm sure they'll be back, my spinel" the amethyst said

Spinel got up and headed over to Connie.

"Hiya Connie!"

"Hey spinel! Oh Y/n nor Steven is with you?"

Spinel shook her head.

"I wonder where they could be.."

"Should we go look for 'em?" Spinel suggested.

Connie thought for a moment "I guess it won't hurt to search for them. Gotta keep this just in case" Connie said fixing her Sword on her back.

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