Ch16. Forgiveness

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Laz's gem fell on the floor.

Steven ran up to Spinel taking the rejuvenator away.

"Where did you get this!?"

"I got it in case of emergencies like this!"

"This is not how we solve problems spinel! Even with a rejuvenator!"

As Spinel and Steven were arguing Y/n slowly got up and walked to Laz's gem on the ground.

She fell to her knees taking the gem into her hands.

They stopped seeing Y/n on her knees.

"Hey Y/n! Are you okay? Y/n?" Steven looked at the gem in her hands.

"She's alright.. right?"

"Why does it matter? She is gone and forgot everything that happened with ya. So! Why don't we bubble her and —"

"We are not bubbling her! Get the fuck off me!"

Y/n shot up shoving Spinel off.

Y/n clenched the gem in her hands.

"Y/n calm down!" Steven said.

"Why don't I take that gem?"


A shock wave was sent across the beach knocking Spinel and Steven down.

Y/n sprouted her wings out.


She turned seeing Nel running to her.

Her eyes widened seeing the gem in her hands.


"Nel! Finally! Come on! We gotta get out of here!" Y/n ran to her grabbing a hold of her hand.

"What? Where?"


Nel had a worried face.

"What!? No! We are not going! Why do you want to go back? You are back home!"

"Laz just got hit by a..rejuvenator I think Steven said"


"It's no big deal! Laz will come back! Back we have to go! Come on!" Y/n pulled Nel.

"No no no no no no no..she got rejuvenated.."

"What? It's just another gem weapon." Y/n said.

Laz's gem began to glow.

"Hey she's coming back!" Y/n settled her gem down.

"Oh no she is already reforming?" Steven muttered.

"Spinel what did you do!?" Steven shouted.

Giggles came from the glowing gem.

The red gem wrapped her arms around Y/n's waist.

And threw herself onto her.

"Oh Laz the heck..?"

Y/n paused seeing the gem in front of her.

It was Laz. But she was reseted.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you!" Laz cheered.

"She lost her..everything.." Nel muttered.

Y/n sat up taking a good look at her.

Laz was reseted.

"Ya wanna play a game or something!? We can play hide and seek! Oh! Oh! Let's play tag! Tag your it!" Laz booped Y/n and ran off.

"Y/n..?" Steven slowing placed his hand on her shoulder.

"What the fuck did she do her..? She lost everything..?" Y/n questioned.

"Spinel she..remember how I told you that I—"

"The rejuvenator..she fucking erased Laz's memories!" Y/n shouted pushing Steven off and walking towards Spinel.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! You had to use violence didn't you!? Don't you realize what you did!? I can't believe you Spinel! I wish I never came back here!" Y/n shouted to Spinel shoving her.

"I-I'm sorry! I was thinking! I—"

"Yeah you weren't fucking thinking!"

Y/n's eyes began to glow brighter.

"Best friend!" Laz threw herself on Y/n dangling from her arm.

"Do you not like tag? Wanna play another game?"

"Not now Laz—"

"It's Spinel-LZ! But Laz is a cute nickname!" Laz said with a smile.

"What are we going to do?"

Y/n sighed.

"We are going home Laz. Come on.." y/n shot Spinel one last glare and walked off.

"Y/n! Please! I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Dolly please!" Spinel stretched her arm and gripped Y/n's hand.

Y/n yanked her hand.

"Where are we going Best friend?" Laz questioned.

"We're going..home"

Tears welled up in spinel's eyes.

Her knees let her fall to the sand.

Steven walking to her side.

Nel to her other.

"I'm going to have to go with her.."

Nel muttered. Steven nodded.

"N-Nel" spinel muttered with a weak voice.

"Will she forgive me..?"

Nel just stared at her.

Spinel looking for hope in her eyes, and saw none.

"I don't know what to tell you shouldn't have done that.." Nel said glancing at Spinel and ran off behind Y/n.

"Steven poof me..just do it. I.."

Steven grabbed a hold of Spinel's gloved-hand.

"Come on. Let's have a talk."

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