Ch9. Moments

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Steven was able to go back to normal thankfully.

The diamonds eventually went back to homeworld but spinel didn't want to leave yet but in the end she did.

"You'll come by right?"

"Of course I will. I promise. Now go, I bet the Diamonds are getting a bit impatient" y/n said smiling.

Spinel embraced y/n with a tight hug.

"I wish I can stay longer.." spinel muttered.

"I don't think the diamonds will let you..they're so overprotective now.." y/n said and let go.

"Okay now really, go. I don't like how white is glaring at me.." y/n muttered.

"Okay, okay. Bye Y/n"

"Bye Spinel"


"Gosh learning to play guitar is not as hard"y/n commented.

"But still is"


Steven looked at the view of sunset from Brooding Hill.

"Spinel seems to take alike to you" Steven commented.

"Well she seems like a nice gem"


"Come on, you think she actually likes me like that?" Y/n said putting the guitar down.

"I don't know, from the way she acts around you—"

"Steven come on. A human and a gem?..I don't think she'll see a human in that way. I'm just a good friend to her that makes her happy. Nothing more"

Y/n sighed looking down at her palms.

"Don't think this is another problem. I know how you are. Gonna want to solve it. Not gonna work. Remember how you wanted to help Spinel since she looks so miserable? Well that turned into shit..

I don't blame you. The diamonds treat her like Pink. Pink! From what you've told me, her being called pink should be the last thing she should be called or referred too. Even though the diamonds might have changed they're still the same"

Y/n clenched her hand into a fist.

"At least you were able to get away from them.."


As Steven was about to speak the warp was seen activated from a distance.

" were you expecting someone?" Y/n asks turning to Steven.

"I Don't think so..come on!"

"H-hey! Wait for me!"

"Are the diamonds aware you're here?"


"You convinced them huh? I'm impressed since I only know Steven can do that. And you brought you're guard ay? Hey sis!"

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