Ch20. Rescue

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Y/n zoomed out of the bathroom almost tripping over.

Who knows what Cora is doing to Nel!?

Hopefully not shatter her

Y/n walked over to the warp pad gripping her side.

As she got on the warp pad she stopped as a noodle arm wrapped around her waist.

"Uh, y/n? Haha..Where ya going?" Y/n turned her head and saw Spinel.

"Spinel I got to go get Nel. She is still with Cora. I don't want anything happening to her!"

Spinel just stared at her.

"You were leaving without tell me? Ya think you can go like that?"

Spinel picked y/n up and walked over to the warp pad.

"I'll come along"

Spinel still had her arm around y/n's stomach.

"Okay, thank you"

Y/n placed her hand on spinel's arm and warped.

"Why are we in a forest—mph!?" Y/n covered Spinel's mouth and pulled her into a bush.

Y/n looked around and saw gems approach the warp pad.


Y/n muttered.

Y/n grabbed Spinel's hand and led her out of the forest.

Spinel looked around.

Her gaze then fell on y/n's hand on her side.

"You're still hurt.."

"I'm fine..we have to find Nel. She's important"

"So are you"

"She's more important"

Spinel huffed.

Y/n scanned everywhere until she saw a specific place. Y/n pulled Spinel into the facility where many gems could be seen bubbled. "Yeesh, this is gonna make me sick.."

"Spinel, you can't get sick"

"Well I feel sick!"

Y/n sighed and kept walking, gripping her side.  Spinel behind looking around. "What have you been doing here? Do the diamonds know about this?"

"Like I know. They're just crazy gems doing experiments with their own kind.."

Y/n stop as she saw Nel up in a tube filled with pink liquid. Spinel bumped into her looking at what was in front of her. "We found the gem. Let's grab her and go-"

"Spinel, it's not that easy"

Spinel sighed and walked past her. "Don't worry toots! I got this!"

"Spinel wait!" Spinel walked over looking at the panel that had many buttons. "They're in gem language.." Spinel said talking in her normal tone. "You know gem language?" Y/n asked . Spinel shrugged. "A tad bit. Let's see here.." Spinel scanned her hand over the buttons until she found one.

"This should do the trick"

"Are you sur-"

As Spinel pressed the button, an alarm was set off. Making the room flash red. "Shit! Spinel!"

"Ah Shoot! I pressed the wrong one!"

"No shit! Ugh let's just break the tube and get out of here!" Y/n turned around trying to find a big heavy object that would break the tube.

But just then a noise of glass breaking was heard.Spinel wrapped her arm around Y/n's waist pulling her into her gem. "I got your gem. Now we gotta go"

"She isn't in her physical form.."

"She'll be back later! Y/n we gotta go!" Spinel pulled Y/n down the corridor.

"How are they?"

"Are they part of the crew?"

"The tube of the quartz is broken!"

"We must alert Ms. Cora!"

"Spread out! Check the footage. There must be a rebel in here!"

Y/n grabbed Spinel's hand and ran towards the warp pad that was in the woods.

"Spinel, bubble Nel and warp her back home!"

"Bubble her? I- uh-"

"Do it!"

Spinel took Nel's gem in her hands attempting to bubble her. "Spinel!"

"Don't pressure me! Got it!"

Nel was then sent home. Y/n pulled Spinel onto the warp pad. As they stood there they saw gem running their direction. "We're going home-"

Y/n gripped Spinel's hand. Spinel activated it just as the gems got to it.

"You think the others realize we left?"


"Well at least Nel is hom-"


Y/n was hit by a blaster knocking her out of the warp.

" I hit one!"

"You weren't supposed to knock them out of the— Ugh just get the other one!"

Spinel looked down seeing a 2 Peridots.

The peridots drew closer and closer to Spinel. Spinel didn't knowQQ-[__ to do, she was about to throw herself out of the warp but her leg was grabbed.

The warp stopped revealing Steven's home.
Spinel and the Peridots all fell hard on ground.

"What the hell?"

Hey author yeha it's been a while. I'm not sure if you guys will keep reading this story but if you do. Awesome. I'll try and update this book. I'm trying to update most of my books. Enjoy reading! Sorry for the late update

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