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Y/n warped back with Laz.

Holding her hand tightly.

"Woah! What are we doing here best friend?" Laz questioned dangling from Y/n's arm.

"We are home!" Y/n said

"There you two are! Where were you two!? Did you go back to earth—wait why is Laz like that?"

"She got rejuvenated..wait why did you say back to earth? Are we not on earth!?"

"Ah fuck..I shouldn't have said that." Cora muttered.

"No wonder Steven said I've been gone for months! Time works different here!"

"You saw Steven again!? Did he rejuvenate her!? That fucking—"

"It was spinel.."y/n muttered.

"Spinel? You're spinel?" Cora questioned.

Y/n blushed.

"She isn't my spinel, but..yes."

Cora huffed and walked to the warp pad.

"Then I'll give her a piece of her own medicine.."

"What!? Cora!" Y/n ran after her.

"You rejuvenated Laz. Wouldn't it be equal to do the same with you!" Cora swung Spinel's rejuvenator to Spinel.

"I didn't mean too! She was taking my Y/n away!" Spinel shouted dodging Cora's swings.

"She was not! She was protecting her you
stupid piece of rock!" Cora shouted.

"She took her for months! I wanted her back! You took MY Y/N!"

Spinel shouted inflating her hands and smashed them on the ground sending Cora to collapse.

Y/n eventually warped in with Laz.

Spinel's impact to the ground sent a shock wave making the ground shake.

Laz wobbled around and fell but Y/n caught her. "Jeez how much chaos are they causing!?" Y/n muttered and ran to where Cora, Spinel and other people near by.

"Y/n watch out!" Steven shouted throwing his shield to block a big boulder from crushing her and Laz.

Y/n pushed Laz behind her. "Are they seriously finding!? I regret coming god damn it!" Y/n said to Steven.

"You should go! It isn't safe"

Y/n shook her head "I got Nel with me! It's fine!"

Y/n brought up her shield blocking a rock from hitting Steven.

A boom was heard and they turned their heads and saw Cora go flying.

"She's flying!" Laz cheered.

"She's flying straight into the ocean" Steven commented.

𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨  {𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙡 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧}✔️Where stories live. Discover now