Ch14. Lost

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"She won't come out..."

"And she won't let anyone in"

"Why'd she'd get so attached to Y/n? It's only been a few months!"

The diamonds talked as the Steven and Connie stood there listening.

Blue kneeled down to Steven and Connie.

"Steven what shall we do..? I've never seen her like this.."

Steven sighed "I have, Connie let's try and talk with her. If it works then we'll go look for her. Come on"

Steven walked into the room seeing everything pitch black.

He summoned his shield making some light.

"Spinel? Come on, you can't just stay in this room forev—er!" Steven brought up his shield blocking the object coming towards them.

"Did I SAY you could enter!" Spinel shouted

"Spinel come on! You can't just stay in here! You want to find Y/n right? Then lets go find her!" Connie shouted.

Spinel lifted her head and stretched her arm to open the curtains and for the light to reveal the mess in the room.

Spinel began laughing "I cant go"

"W-what? Why not?—"

"She'll freak out. Now know her—now getting so fucking attached to her she'll lose it when she sees me in danger! A-and..I don't get that! How can someone like her care for someone like me! It's so hard to understand! I'm so happy with her! I feel wanted with her! And—and—she's just perfect! I do what to find her! But I don't want her to..ya know..I'd prefer to just—"


Spinel shot up her head to face Steven.


"No,no. I understand. You don't want her to worry. We'll leave you be"

"But Steven—"

"Come on Connie. Let's go find out best friend"

Connie'a eyes widened.

"Ah, yes. We do need to find out best friend. She must be in danger. Let's go find her, no matter what we do whatever it takes to find her"

Spinel titled her head confused.

"Yes Connie. Let's go"

With that they left Spinel alone in her room.

"Okay what's a place the gem would take her?" Spinel questioned Nel.

"Well...I don't remember. Although there is one place, but no she couldn't have possibly took her there"


Nel hesitated.

"Nel come on, also who was that gem? It looked just like spinel but—"

𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨  {𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙡 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧}✔️Where stories live. Discover now