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Hey guys, here again!

-- Ivy :)

I pace in my room, my eyes puffy and red from crying. What do I do now? I'm not the heir to the throne, and I doubt that Dad will marry me off easily. That means that I'm just going to be a burden here, and I don't want that.

Actually as of now, I don't even want to be here. I don't care if we were living in a garbage dump in the worst part of the world, I would still choose to be with Adam. No matter what, I would choose to be with Adam. But I can't right now, so I pace.

I'm certain that my carpet will have lines worn into it from my feet because I've taken so many laps around my room. I think that there's supposed to be a maid coming here soon, but she hasn't come yet so I don't really care. I know I'm an emotional mess, and there's no untangling them right now, so I let them run their course.

The door creaks open, "Miss Alaynia?" a feminine voice asks.

I look up, watching as a young woman steps inside my room. She looks at me with pity, and I fight the urge to scream at her and tell her that I don't need pity, I need action. But instead, I just burst into tears. Unfortunately, crying seems to be my strongsuit today.

The maid smiles warmly at me, "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" she says.

Twenty minutes later, my already smeared and ruined makeup is removed, my tears have stopped, and I've changed into a nightgown. It's actually sad, how easily my mood is shifting today.

I curl into bed, not sure what else to do. Even though it's still light outside, I'm pooped. It's been a long day already. The maid seems to understand this, and she draws the curtains and turns out the lanterns. I hear the door creak as she leaves, and then I drift off to sleep.


Sorry this chapter is really short, guys, but I just needed a bit more buildup for the next big thing, 'kay?

-- Ivy :)

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