Chapter 18

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Boom!! Chapter 18 coming at ya!

Not too shabby on updating.  I seem to be improving over

Loved the feedback from last chapter.  Many thought that Braxton was or is going to show'll have to read to find out if you were right or not.

Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!!


“I’m so glad you made it,” he says flashing this brilliant smile.

“Yeah, thanks for asking,” I reply nervously.

The waiter comes over to take our drink order.  I’d say he’s in his mid-20’s, very clean cut.  “Hi, my name is Trevor and I’ll be your server this evening.  Can I get you started with some drinks?”

“I’ll have ginger ale, please,” I tell the waiter. 

Mark looks over at me a little bewildered, “I’ll have a glass of red wine, thank you.”

“Do you need another minute to look over the menu?”

“Yes, please,” we both say in unison.

After the waiter walks away, Mark looks over at me.  “What?” I ask.

“Ginger ale?  You don’t want wine or something else?”

“No.  I’m good.  I think I’ve had enough involvement with alcohol this past week,” I let out a nervous laugh.

“That makes sense, I suppose.”

I look over the menu trying to decide what to order.  It’s been so long since I’ve been here. We used to come here all the time until new owners took over.  I’ve heard that the food has changed since.  Let’s hope they’re not right about that.

A couple minutes Trevor comes back with our drinks.  “Are we ready to order?” Mark checks with me and I nod in agreement.  He motions for me to order first.  I take one last glance at the menu before ordering.  “I’ll have the Pizza Vegetariana.”

Trevor writes it down.  “And for you?” 

Mark looks up from his menu.  “I’ll have the Pizza Bresaola.”

“Excellent choices.  I will go put your order in right away.  Anything else I can get for you?”

“No thanks.  We’re good,” Mark tells Trevor.  He walks away.

“So… What’s new?” Mark asks awkwardly.

“Nothing much.  When I got home last night he had broken all the pictures that were in the hall.  He had them in a pile on the kitchen table.”

“Seriously?  Why did he do that?”

“He told me that he got home and was still upset.  Got drunk, and then tore all the pictures off the wall, breaking them.”

“Wow! Were you pissed?”

“Yeah.  I made him buy new frames and rehang them.”

He starts laughing, “That’s funny.”

“That’s what we did today.  We went to Costco and did some grocery shopping too.”

“So you went to dinner with him last night and spent the day with him today?”

“Yes,” I reply sheepishly.


“Why not?” I asked annoyed.

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