Chapter 4

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Here's chapter 4! That's twice in one week I've uploaded!! I'm on a roll!!

Thanks to those that are reading my story...It means a lot to me!


Vote and comment too!!!  :)


After what seems like forever, I see Braxton’s Mercedes pulling into the driveway.  I hear the door open, so I stand up so that he can see me when he looks into the living room.  He comes around the corner in a navy blue Calvin Klein suit, crisp white shirt, and pink and blue striped tie, stopping dead in his tracks, “Holy Shit! Kansas you look sexy as hell! I say we just stay in tonight and fuck and forget about the plans I made.”

I can’t help but smile and blush at what he said.  He can be so forward sometimes, must be the whole lawyer thing.  “How about we do whatever it is that you have planned, then we come home and you can ravish me all night long.”

“Maybe I want to ravish you right hereright now.” He steps towards me while grabbing my waist to pull me to his chest.  I squeal from the sudden movement and stumble a bit in my heels.  In heels, I’m eye level with Braxton so I can look straight into his sparkling green eyes.  I put my arms around his neck, moving tightly against his chest.  Leaning in, I kiss him passionately to let him know how much I love him.  He begins kissing me back hungrily.  I pull away completely breathless, leaning my forehead against his, “Well Mr. Cooper, shall we head out before one of ends up naked?”

“Since it’s only 8:05 and our reservations are for 8:30, I say we have time for a quickie,” he devilishly raises one eyebrow.

I playfully slap him on the chest, “Please… If I’m getting you naked, it’s not going to be for a two minute quickie.  It’ll be more like an all night procession.” 

He laughs, “Ok then, let’s go.”

I step out of his warm embrace and turn to grab my purse off the couch.  He’s by the front door holding it open it for me.  As I walk past him, he slaps my ass.  I quickly turn to look at him, furrowing my eyebrows trying to be serious.  He has this big ass grin on his face, “You better watch your hands mister or I’m going to punish you,” I say semiseriously, shaking my index finger at him.  “You promise?” He flirtatiously responds.  I can already tell he’s going to be a handful tonight.

He grabs my hand, walking me to the passenger side of his car.  I slip into the cold leather seat, wishing he had left the car running.  Once he’s in the car, he starts driving to where ever it is that he’s taking me.  “Where are we going?” I ask inquisitively.  “You’ll find out when we get there,” he replies coyly.  Such a smartass he is.  I just smile, turning back to look out the passenger window. 

While driving, I get lost in my thoughts again.  I just don’t understand?  How can the man sitting next to me, be the man that I married five years ago?  Yet the same man last night be a complete stranger to me?  I let out a big sigh.  “Something wrong?”  He questions.

 “Just thinking, that’s all.” 

“What are you thinking about?” 

I shake my head, “Nothing.” 

“Can’t be nothing if you just sighed like you did.”

“What is this? One of your cross examinations? I don’t want to talk about it.  Not tonight, anyway.”

He looks at me disapprovingly, “Um… Ok.”

The mood in the car has definitely changed now; no thanks to me and my big mouth.  If I hadn’t sighed, he would have never suspected anything.  The car ride was so quiet; I swear you could hear a pin drop.  I was too afraid to look at him, so I continued to stare out my window. After what seems like the longest car ride EVER, he parks the car on La Salle Boulevard.  I turn to look at him, smiling because I’ve figured out where he’s taking me.  Café Iberico is one of my most favorite restaurants.

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