Chapter 19

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So.... long time coming, I know.  I apologize a million times!!  Let's just say that it's been a hectic couple of months.  I've literally had half of this chapter written for months...and just couldn't get around to finishing it. it be.  For those of you who might have forgotten where the last chapter left off, Kansas and Braxton are going to their first counseling session before he leaves for the hockey game in Philadelphia.

Withought furthur ado, here's chapter 19!!!

Enjoy! And don't forget to comment and vote!!!


Braxton’s POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I quickly roll over, hitting the snooze button.  I lay there, staring up at the ceiling.  Today I give my closing arguments for the Robert’s case.  I haven’t been this nervous about a case since I first got into law.

These last couple days have been great.  Anger management is going well.  I find myself having more and more conversations with Jeff.  I think it helps that we’re both on the same side of the law.  He arrests them and I prosecute them.  It’s a good combo.

Kansas rolls over in her sleep, facing me with her eyes closed.  I reach forward, brushing the hair out of her face.  Her eyes flutter open slowly.  “Morning, baby,” I tell her.

She smiles then covers her mouth swiftly.  “Morning,” she mumbles through her hand.  I look at her, drinking in her morning beauty. 

I tiredly slide out from underneath the warm sheets, sitting for a moment on the edge before standing.  I run my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath.  I feel Kansas run her hands across my back, rubbing it. 

“Is everything alright?” she asks concerned.

“Yeah.  Just thinking about the case.”

“You give your closing argument today, don’t you?”

I turn around, looking at Kansas a little surprised, “You remembered?”

“Of course I would remember.  Why wouldn’t I?”

I shake my head.  “No reason.”  I stand up, walking over to the closet to find an appropriate suit to wear for closing.  I can’t figure out why I’m so nervous.  I’ve closed so many cases before, but for some reason this one is really getting to me. 

The last thing I want is for this man to go free.  I’ve never been so sickened by someone, like I have been by him.  The way he sits in his chair, looking so smug.  I actually feel bad for the parents of those three girls that have to sit there and listen to him talk about their daughters like they were pieces of meat.  As if they asked to be raped and murdered.

“Kansas.  Can you come in here for a second?” I shout to her.  Moments later she comes strolling into the closet.

“What do you need?”

“I’m having trouble finding a suit to wear for today.”

“Are you sure you’re feeling okay today?  You’ve never had problems picking out a suit before.”

“I know!” I say shocked.  “I don’t know what’s going on with me today.  It’s like my first day all over again.”

She laughs a little, sorting through my suits.  She pulls out a dark navy blue Tom Ford suit.  “What about this one?”

“That one’s nice.  What tie should I wear with it?”  I take the suit from her so she can look at the ties. I grab one of my crisp, white button-up shirts and a white undershirt to wear with the suit. 

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