Chapter 21

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So...So...So...Sorry for the delay.  I hadn't realized how much time had gone by.  This chapter has a lot of detail, and I wanted to get a lot in.  Plus I had to come up with a good cliffhanger for you

Please...enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment!!!



On my way to work, I recall what Braxton said, “I don’t know if I like you going out with me being out of town”.  Seriously? I don’t understand why he has to overreact so much.  When I married him, I agreed to be his partner in all things that means husband and wife.  I did not agree for him to be my keeper or my boss.  Sometimes I think he takes this lawyer thing way too far.  Maybe he’ll change his mind when he gets to Philadelphia.

I get to work, parking in my usual spot.  I pause before getting out, thinking about this morning.  We were having so much fun.  I miss that Braxton.  I wish I could see more of the fun, easy-going, Braxton…  The man that I fell in love with.  I snap myself back to reality.  I had better get inside before Barb starts calling, wondering where I am.

While walking inside, I decide to send a quick text to Keshia and Sam about tonight.  I make my way inside, stopping to read the surgery board.  As I turn around I almost bump into one of the nurses.  “Oh my gosh!  Lindsay, I’m so sorry.”

“It’s alright, Kansas.  No harm, no foul,” she says smiling.

“Got anything exciting going on today?”

“Not really.  Just the usual.”

“Sounds good.  I’m going to go to my office and get started on the paperwork that I’m sure is already there,” I say laughing as I turn towards my office.

When I walk into my office, I find Mark sitting in one of my chairs by my desk.  I take a quick glance into the hallway to see if anyone is walking by.  “What are you doing here?” I ask surprised and maybe a little irritated.

“You’re late.  I thought something happened to you,” he says standing up.

“What do you think would have happened?”

“I don’t know…” he trails off a bit.  “With what’s been going on, I just assumed.”

Now I’m definitely irritated.  “Assumed what, Mark?”

He shakes his head, “Never mind.”

I close my door, before talking, “Look… If you’re referring to things that happen at home, everything is fine.  Things between my husband and I are great right now.”

“Yeah, you say right now, but what about tomorrow or next week,” he argues.

“It’s really none of your business.  I told you that the email I sent you was an accident.  I was drunk.  I can take care of myself.”

There is a flash of anger in his eyes, “Take care of yourself?  Like what happened in Florida?”

I pause before answering, “That was a one-time thing, Mark.”

“Are you sure about that?  Things might be good now, but I can guarantee the next time he gets drunk or the next time something doesn’t go his way, he’ll revert back to that person he was that night.”

Deep down I know that Mark might be right, but with things going good with therapy and him going away tonight, maybe it’ll just stick.  But then again… Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

“I know you don’t see eye to eye with Braxton, but truth is… He is my husband and I should at least give him the benefit of the doubt.”

He hangs his head down, looking pained.  “Kansas, I think you’re taking your vows a little too serious.  For better or for worse has nothing to do with being abusive.  His drinking is one thing, but the person he becomes when you add anger to that is not someone that you want to be married too.  What happens if it gets out of hand again?  The last time your father was there to inadvertently stop him.  Next time maybe there won’t be someone there, especially if you’re at home alone.”

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