Chapter 29

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Soooo..... Here's the next chapter!!!!  A thousand apologies for the year long...or damn near, year long wait.  I had a lot of writer's block with this chapter and I didn't want to do it all half ass.  I'm hoping that this chapter is as good as the others.

So please....Enjoy... And don't forget to vote or comment!!!!


Braxton POV

It's been over an hour and Kansas still hasn't come home yet. I keep trying to call her, but she turned her phone off and now I can't track her GPS. I swear to god when I find out where she is and who she's with, I'm going to make her pay. As I pace the living room, I look over at the smashed lamp on the floor. I should really make her clean it up when she gets home as a learning lesson to not take off like she did.

I wait up for another hour, but she doesn't come home. I have her keys so I know she can't get back in, so I lock the door before going to bed. I go to the bedroom, get undressed and then climb into bed. I fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.

When I wake up, Kansas' spot in the bed is still empty. I grab my phone and try calling her again. It goes straight to voicemail. My anger flares up again. Where the hell is she? I get up, get dressed and go to the kitchen to get something to eat. My arm is killing me today. I could have killed Kansas when she hit my arm. That was really a cheap shot.

I look around for my pain meds, but can't find them. Did she hide them on me? That doesn't make any sense. After a while I just give up looking for them. I go to the bathroom and take a few Advil. Hopefully that helps a little. I make myself something to eat and then go into the office to work on a few things. Before going in, I grab the box from the foyer with my belongings and bring that in with me.

I make a few calls to the courthouse to see when they rescheduled my hearing. The clerk says that it's scheduled for Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. I call over to the police station to check in with the detectives on a status with Jessica. They said that she's basically still the same and that she's still in a coma.

I go look for my tickets that I got yesterday to see when I have to be in court for those. I still can't believe that they think it's my fault. I should subpoena the footage to see if they're even telling the truth. That Officer Morgan seemed like he had it out for me. I'm going to call his sergeant today and report him. I'm also pretty sure that he was hitting on Kansas when they were outside. I know I definitely walked in on something happening between them.

I make a phone call to Danielle to see if she can bring over some records for me. She answers the phone on the first ring, "Thank you for calling the office of Mr. Cooper, how can I help you?" She's very pleasant on the phone. I think this is the first time I've called the office since she's been hired.

"Danielle. It's Braxton."

"Oh, hi, Mr. Cooper, how are you feeling?" she asks chipper.

"I'm okay. My arm is killing me today."

"I'm sorry. What can I do for you?"

"I need you to pull some files for me and bring them to my house."

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