Chapter 28

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So.... Here it is peeps!! This chapter is nice and long just for you guys!!!

I left it with a bit of a cliffhanger... which I know you just love! LOL

I hope you enjoy this chapter.... And don't forget to vote and comment! :)


I wake up to the smell of something delicious cooking. Braxton is still lying next to me. I move to get up and I feel his arms tighten around me. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm getting up because I have to go to work, just like you do."

"Ugh... I wish I didn't have to."

"You and me both, but I think my mom must be making breakfast for us again." I jab him lightly in his chest, "and you better eat it this time."

He rolls over onto his back, "I'm actually starving so I probably will."

"Didn't you eat your dinner last night?"

"No. After we put away the groceries we went to bed. I hadn't even thought about eating dinner at that point. Maybe I'll take it to work with me today. I'm getting sick of going out to eat anyways."

"Why didn't you say so? I could make dinner at night and have leftovers for you to take with you everyday. I'm sick of eating cafeteria food. Maybe after my parents leave, I'll start doing that. It'll save us a lot of money too."

"Sounds like a plan. Now you better get your sweet ass into that shower," he says playfully slapping my butt as I climb out of bed.

I get some scrubs from the closet and hurry into the bathroom. Braxton comes in as I'm finishing up. I get out, grabbing a towel to wrap around me. I leave the water running so he can jump in right after me. I get dressed and do my hair while Braxton showers. I go into the kitchen and find both of my parents in there. My mom is cooking while my dad sits at the table reading his Kindle.

"Morning, Kansas," they both say in unison.

"Morning. What's for breakfast today?"

"I made some pancakes and sausages. I noticed that there are quite a few more groceries in the house than there was yesterday."

"Yeah, Braxton and I went shopping last night. I forgot to go before you got here."

"That was very thoughtful of you."

Just then Braxton walks in. "Morning," he says getting a glass from the cupboard.

"Morning, Braxton," my mom says.

He gets some orange juice from the fridge and then comes and sits down by me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Did you want some?" he asks me.

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