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liked by annetwist, catsphotos, liampayne, arianagrande, and 64,000 others harrystyles draco loves the grape tree

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liked by annetwist, catsphotos, liampayne, arianagrande, and 64,000 others
harrystyles draco loves the grape tree. and yes, he was named after draco malfoy from harry potter. my bf's a bit of a geek.
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dylanupdates who else do we know that likes harry potter other than dylan?

annetwist he's so cute.

arianagrande we been knew. he's such a nerd.

tomfelton im honored.

liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, dylanupdates, and 67,000 others harrystyles 📚view all 7,000 comments

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liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, dylanupdates, and 67,000 others
harrystyles 📚
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dylanupdates we love a man who can read.

arianagrandefans im still confused on who this is.

dylanupdates @arianagrandefans he's dylan's boyfriend. they apparently have a child together.

annetwist my baby getting a bit of reading done.

liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, niallhoran, liampayne, zaynews, zaddyzayn, and 7,000,000 others zayn icarus view all 790,000 comments

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liked by annetwist, gemmastyles, niallhoran, liampayne, zaynews, zaddyzayn, and 7,000,000 others
zayn icarus
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zaynews what does this mean?!

zaddyzayn does this mean something?!

mindofzayn what's happening?!

zxynmxlik tell us what this means, zaddy?!

mamamalik 👼🏻

liked by dylanupdates, doniyamalik, gemmastyles, ariananews, and 66,000 others harrystyles falls

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liked by dylanupdates, doniyamalik, gemmastyles, ariananews, and 66,000 others
harrystyles falls.
view all 7,888 comments

gemmastyles so beautiful.

ariananews this place looks so peaceful.

dylanupdates is dylan with you? if so could you give us a photo. it's been forever since we've seen him. miss his face.

mamamalik so breathtaking.

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