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harry looks at her daughter as she coos. she gives her a little smile before picking her up. she starts to giggle and touch harry's face.

harry had decided to be on a social media cleanse for awhile. she knew it was best for the sake of her health and the sake of her daughters as well. it had been two month before harry opened up instagram and she was feeling grateful.

today her daughter is nine months. she couldn't believe nine months ago she gave birth to her beautiful baby girl.

harry blows raspberries on her little tummy and she giggles more.

harry kisses her cheek as she hears the front alarm go off.

he smiles at his girls . zayn walks over to his small family and gives both his girlfriend and daughter a kiss.

"how's my two favorite girls doing?"

harry loved that zayn just knew. he knew when harry felt a bit more feminine and when she felt a bit more masculine. she didn't have to tell him. this is what harry loved most about zayn.

"we're doing great. isn't that right baby?" jasmine just claps her hands.

"that's good my loves."

jasmine starts to pout when her daddy walked away. she babbles and wiggles her arms. zayn laughs a bit before gently grabbing her from harry.

"wanted your daddy, huh?" jasmine just babbles.

zayn coos at her. "who's the cutest baby in the world?" zayn continues to coo.

"how was work?" harry asked.

"it was tiring love. honestly all i wanna do is spend the rest of the day with you and jas."

"shouldn't this album be done already? i hate seeing you so stressed." harry frowns.

"i know, baby. it should have been done ages ago. but rca records is on my ass. they didn't like a few tracks on the album so they want me to switch it up."

harry frown depends. she walks over to her boyfriend and rubs her hands on his chest. "what? why?"

"because they wanna keep he held with them so they can continue to sabotage my image. simon is a piece of shit. all because i didn't want to continue being tired with pmt."

pmt was the band zayn was in with his two best friends, liam and louis. but overtime they all became exhausted and all agreed to disband. but they had to give them at least two most albums.

unfortunately zayn only could do one. after he just couldn't anymore. louis and liam understood but simon was a piece of shit.

he threw this idea of zayn being on his own and zayn actually thought simon wasn't upset by him leaving. turns out this was his way of getting revenge.

"im sorry, sun." harry states.

"it's all good, my moon. how was work for you?"

"it was great. we got a new student today. she was very confused when people started referring to me as misses."

"but she was respectful afterwards, right?"

"yeah. she was!"

"that's good, my love. and what about you my baby? how was daddy's little girl? did you have fun with nanny wilson?"

jasmine starts to babble. both zayn and harry nod along, pretending to understand what she was saying.

"im glad darling." zayn kisses her cheek and sets her down. jasmine starts to crawl towards the carpet to play with her toys.

"i love you so much, babe."

"i love you too, zayn. don't know where id be without you and jas in my life."

zayn kisses her cheek before the couple look at their daughter playing with her toys.
a little insight on zayn and harry's life.

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